Title: Investors Corner | BOLD Precious Metals
1I N V E S T O R S C O R N E R
2W h o I s I n v e s t o r s ?
An investor is any individual or other person
(such as a company or mutual fund) who invests
money with the hope of profit.
3T y p e s O f I n v e s t o r s
Angel Investors An investor is any individual or
other person (such as a company or mutual fund)
who invests money with the hope of profit.
Venture Capitalists Private equity investors who
provide financing to companies with strong
potential growth in exchange for an equity
ownership are known as venture capitalists. They
typically invest large sums of money and are used
once a business has demonstrated the potential
for big revenue.
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Peer-to-Peer Loans
Individuals or groups can be peer-to- peer
lenders. They assist with the funding of small
businesses. If you wish to apply for
peer-to-peer lending, you must do it through
firms that specialise in this form of finance.
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Banks Banks are a traditional source of company
loans. You will be required to provide proof of
a revenue source or collateral before your
application is approved. As a
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best alternative for don't have to be a
result, banks are typically a established enterpri
ses, but you billionaire to acquire financing.
Individual Investors Businesses can make their
initial investments through families, friends,
and networks. Speak with an expert if you have
willing volunteers only a limited number of
people can invest in startups, and you'll be
required to submit extensive documentation.
4T o p 3 C o i n s F o r I n v e s t m e n t
American Eag le Platinum Coins Collectors and
investors alike value the Platinum American
Eagle coin, which is crafted of.9995 pure
Platinum. These coins, which were released in
1997, are the United States Mint' s only
investment-grade Platinum coins. It is the only
Platinum coin guaranteed by the US government for
weight, composition, and.9995 purity. The
Platinum Eagle has been one of the world' s most
extensively traded Platinum Bullion coins since
its inception.
5 Canadian Maple Leaf Gold Coins As a significant
gold coin, the Canadian platinum maple leaf has
been the quality gold coin within the gold trade
for many years. Since its introduction in 1979,
the legendary Gold Maple Leaf (GML) has been a
vastly standard bullion coin from the Royal
Canadian Mint. it' s a face worth of 50 (CAD).
All versions of Gold Maple Leaf since 2015
include distinctive safety features.
6 Austria Philharmonic Gold Coins The Austrian
Gold Philharmonic is one of the most well- known
gold coins on the precious metals market. The
series was found in 1989. Minted by the Austrian
Mint in Vienna, the gold coins of the Austrian
Philharmonic consist of .9999 fine gold in 24
carats. The denomination was changed to Euro
(EUR) in 2003. The Austrian Mint began
introducing silver supplement coins in 2008.
Both gold and silver coins are among the best
sellers in the global precious metals market.
7B o l d P r e c i o u s M e t a l s
B u y I n v e s t o r s C o i n s F r o m
BOLD Precious Metals is passionate about bringing
the precious metals marketplace to the masses.
Buy Silver and Gold bullion coins online at Bold
Precious Metals. Trusted secure service with
immediate delivery. BOLD is having a good
relation with highly satisfied customers.
8C o n t a c t I n f o
G o o d B y e T h a n k Y o u
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