Title: Stephanie Lopes - An Accountant
1Stephanie Lopes
An Accountant
2BS in accounting and finance from Pace University
Accountant Stephanie Lopes has a BS in
accounting and finance from Pace University and
is now studying for a master of accounting
degree. She is a Yoga enthusiast training to
become an instructor. While studying, she is
working on building her own accountancy firm,
which she plans to run alongside her brother.
3A Local YMCA Working With Kids
Stephanie Lopes is launching her own accountancy
firm alongside her brother. She also enjoys
giving back to her community and volunteered at
the Special Olympics in NJ and at a local YMCA
working with kids. In her spare time, Stephanie
Lopes enjoys Yoga, swimming, hiking, and
watching soccer.
4A Partner In An Accountancy Firm
Stephanie Lopes is a graduate student studying
governmental accounting at Rutgers Business
School in Newark, NJ. She is also a partner in
an accountancy firm with her brother, providing
business tax preparation, bookkeeping, and tax
planning services. Stephanie Lopes is also a
keen swimmer and competed on her high school
varsity team.
5A Yoga Instructor
As well as studying for her master of accounting
degree, Stephanie Lopes is also training to
become a Yoga instructor. She recently started
building an accountancy firm with her brother
and a small, but growing, client base. Stephanie
Lopes enjoys swimming and competed on her high
school varsity team for four years.
6An Avid Traveler
Outside of her career in accountancy, Stephanie
Lopes has a passion for Yoga and is training to
become a Yoga instructor. She is a keen traveler
and has visited Mexico, Canada, and several
European countries, while planning to travel
further across Europe and Asia in the future.
Stephanie Lopes recently launched an accountancy
firm that she runs with her brother they plan
to continue building their client list while
Stephanie studies for her master of accountancy
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