Title: IVF Cost In Delhi
2- In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) Is The Most Common
Infertility Treatment In India. Many Couples
Constantly Wait To Conceive Naturally And Use It
As An Escape From The Infertility Treatments Due
To Huge Medical Bills.
As we know that IVF is a specialized procedure
and it is a sensitive procedure because it
remains in the mind of people that IVF is a very
expensive procedure. IVF Cost In Delhi To
understand this, it is important to know that
many components of IVF are such that it is very
important to be quality conscious.
31. Hormonal injections can be used in large
numbers in IVF. The international standard
injections in hormonal injections are a bit more
expensive than the domestic Yankee Indian
standard injections. International standard
injections are 15,000 -20,000/- more expensive
than domestic standard injections. This whole
decision is determined above the patient and the
doctor, but it is important to understand that
every patient needs a different injection
according to their own factors, so they cannot
compare it.
2. While doing any treatment, the expertise and
infrastructure of the clinic and the doctor
remain very important. Most importantly, the
expertise of the doctor you go to can be a factor
in your IVF cost. It is justified that as many
expert doctors live, there can be a little
increase in IVF cost due to expertise and
43. Whichever clinic you go to, the additional
cost of the entire procedural aspect such as
Embryo freezing or Hormonal Injections can be
added to your package. Then the patient has full
right and responsibility to take full information
about this from your clinic.
4. All the advance procedures in IVF which are
around 3-3.50 lakhs, it does not mean that if
they do, the IVF success rate is high. These
procedures are very selective procedures. Remove
this assumption from your mind that more IVF cost
means IVF success rate will not increase.
Whatever your financial capacity, IVF success
rate for IVF does not go above about 40 and as a
patient you should have the financial capacity to
do 2 - 3 cycles.
5When you start IVF treatment, try to know from
the clinic that after the IVF procedure is over,
what will be the cost of taking the medicines so
that you can prepare before starting the
treatment. As a patient, two things should be
kept in mind about IVF cost that any patient can
take IVF treatment 2 or 3 times because per
attempt IVF success rate in this IVF treatment is
45, so you can take such value. Do not be that
when you take IVF treatment, then you have the
financial capacity available to do IVF treatment
only once.
- Contact us
- Address- GN - 6, Shivaji Enclave Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi, India - Phone no for free consultation - 91-88-0000-1978
- Website- www.babyoyivf.com
- Email- IVF - counselling_at_babyjoyivf.com