Title: Rublev Colours Pigments | Fresco Pigments | Natural Pigments
1Rublev Colours Pigments Fresco Pigments
Natural Pigments specialize in supplying artists
with materials that have been used in historical
painting since prehistoric times. We offer Rublev
colours pigments online at affordable prices. Get
free shipping on orders over 100.
2Azurite (Pale) Pigment
Azurite is natural carbonate of copper from ore
deposits. It has a bright blue masstone and a
greenish undertone with a fine grind of less than
20 µ particles.
3Ultramarine Ash Pigment
The residuum of lapis lazuli after the
ultramarine has been extracted. It was used by
the old masters as a middle or neutral tint for
flesh, skies, and draperies, being of a purer and
tenderer gray than that produced by the mixture
of more positive colors.
4Cobalt Zinc Blue Pigment
Cobalt Zinc Blue (Colour Index Pigment Blue 72)
is a modification of cobalt aluminate blue spinel
pigments (Colour Index Pigment Blue 28). Cobalt
aluminate blue pigments are the most durable blue
pigments commercially available. They have
excellent chemical and heat stability, and can be
used in chemically aggressive environments and
exterior durable applications without color fade.
5Cobalt Turquoise Pigment
Cobalt Turquoise pigment is cobalt aluminate blue
spinel (CoAl2O4) produced by calcining, at high
temperature, a mixture of cobalt (II) oxide, and
aluminum (III) oxide in varied ratios forming an
interdiffused crystalline spinel. It may include
any one or more modifiers MgO, ZnO, Li2O and/or
6Verona Green Earth Pigment
Verona Green Earth is the mineral celadonite, a
greenish phyllosilicate mineral of potassium,
iron in both oxidation states, aluminum and
hydroxide. Highly prized by painters, our Verona
Green is a cool bright green earth from open
mines near Mt. Baldo, Italy.
7Phthalo Blue Pigment
Phthalo Blue Pigment
8Contact Us
Address - 291 Shell Lane, Willits CA 95490 Phone
- (888) 361-5900 Website - www.naturalpigments.com
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