Title: Top 20 Pesticide Companies in India in 2022
1Top 20 Pesticide Companies in India in 2022
- Get to know about the top pesticides companies in
the more efficient manner. Pesticides are used to
control the pests. Pesticides are generally
chemicals/biological agents that attacks on
insects, plant pathogens, weeds, molluscs,
roundworms, and other microbes which destroys
property and spreads diseases.
3AIMCO means All India Medical Corporation. It is
registered in more than 100 countries and as a
brand sold in 40 countries. Founded by Mr.
Pradeep Dave in 2009.
Bayer CropScience Ltd. believes in Science for a
better life. They are into more than one domain
like agriculture and healthcare. Founded by Mr.
Friedrich Bayer in 1863.
Bharat Group is the parent company of Bharat
Rasayan Ltd. and Bharat Insecticide Ltd. which
caters in technical grade pesticide and
agrochemical respectively. Founded by Abhijeet
and Sujeet Singh in 2003
Best Agrolife Ltd is a research-driven
organization which was founded in 1992. They are
available pan India as well as in 30 countries.
They believe in well researched products and
economically best.
4Coromandel Agrico Private Limited (CAPL) caters
in high quality plant and soil products. Standing
in a market from more than 5 decades. Works on
the latest technology to make more eco-friendly
Crystal Crop Protection Limited look after the
lifecycle of crops, from sowing to harvesting by
the help of their plant and soil products. Spent
34 years in the market with the mission of
working closely to farming community.
Dhanuka Agritech Limited is listed by Forbes
Magazine in the category of 200 Best under a
Billion Companies in Asia Pacific. It is one of
the leading agri-input company founded in 1985.
Excel Crop Care Limited caters in agricultural
inputs as well as performance chemical and
industrial. They export products in more than 70
countries. Having a mission of influencing
agriculture while restoring Earths health.
5Gharda Chemical Ltd. is a researched-based
company. Established in 1967. They are one of the
most innovative company in the agrochemical
industry. They are only Indian Company to receive
U.S registration for the sale of Chlorpyrifos
(insecticide) and Dicamba (herbicide).
Hindustan Insecticides Ltd is an enterprise of
Govt. of India. It was incorporated in 1954 with
the mission of providing DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltric
hloroethane) for National Malaria Programme.
Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited (HOC) was the
initiative of Indian Govt. in 1960 with the
motive of standing at a good position in the
domain of agrochemical industry.
Heranba Industries Ltd. comes under the category
of largest producer of Synthetic Pyrethroids in
India. Founded by Mr. Sadashiv K Shetty Mr.
Raghuram K Shetty in 1992.
6Phyto Chem (India) Limited are the manufacturer
of quality agrochemical products. They export
their products to multiple nations including
Bangladesh, Sultanate of Oman, Taiwan etc. They
were established in 1989 with the vision of
providing best solution to farmers.
NACL Industries Ltd. is one of the best company
of agrochemical industry founded by Mr. K.V.K
Raju in 1994. Their values are Concern,
Commitment, Quality, and Integrity. They claim to
manufacture high quality products.
Meghmani Organics Limited ranks among top 10
producers of pesticides in India. They have a
strong customer base across the 90 countries.
They work on a vision of evergreen tomorrow and
founded in 1995.
Indofil Industries Limited - Indofil believes in
crop care concept in a agriculture. They are into
Agrochemical as well as Indofil Innovative
Solution Business (IIS). They are working since
50 years by having a mantra of Customers
7Willowood India operates its agrochemical
products operation from India, USA, Hong Kong,
China and Kenya. They provide innovation-driven
solutions in the agrochemical domain.
Rallis India Limited is a enterprise of Tata
Chemicals. They have a healthy pipeline of
sustainable products and services. Their motive
is serving farmers through science. The are
available 58 countries.
Sharda Cropchem Limited is a global agrochemical
company leading manufacturer of generic crop
protection chemical. They have made their space
even in highly developed regions like U.S and
European countries. It was founded by Mr. R.V
UPL Limited is a leading manufacturer of plants
and soil products across the globe. It was
established in 1969 and now present in 138
countries with the high competency. Its
headquarter is located in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
These all are well known pesticide companies in
India as well across the globe. They all are the
leading manufacturer of the Agrochemical products
like Pesticides. Their core values are different
from each other but intention is same which is
providing best agrochemical products to farmers.
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