Title: T Slot End Mill
1YIDA is committed to manufacturing tools that
meet the highest standards of production while
- YIDA Precision Tools Co., Ltd.
2T Slot End Mill
Its first step in making a T-slot is to cut the
T's "spine." This can be done on a vertical
machine with a slot drill or an end mill. You can
also use a side and face cutter on a horizontal
machine to cut it. The milling process in which a
T-slot milling tool is used to make a groove's
bottom wider A Woodruff cutter is another name
for a T-slot end mill tool.
3Reverse chamfer
This tool is best for making reverse chamfer
edges on the back of small holes, which improves
the finish of the part. With its low profile and
larger radial projection, this tool is perfect
for making chamfered edges on the back of small
holes or slots. Any machine shop, assembly floor,
or hobbyist's garage will have a chamfer cutter
or chamfer mill. These simple tools are used to
chamfer or bevel any part made of a wide range of
4Lion king End mill Tools
No. 28, Lane 42, Dazhou Road, Shengang District,
Taichung City