Title: Flexxon eMMC Storage Introduction
1eMMC Storage Introduction
Embedded systems that are becoming more compact
and high performing.
2What is eMMC Flash memory?
EMMC Flash memory is extra layer of protection
through dedicated hardware protection mechanism.
EMMC stands for Embedded MultiMediaCard. It is a
type of flash memory that is typically used in
smartphones and tablets. Some brands are also
using ExFAT to make the file system of the device
visible over USB. EMMC flash memory provides an
additional layer of protection on top of the
existing file system by providing an extra layer
of encryption and physical protection.
3eMMC Storage Benefits
EMMC Storage is the best option as size cant be
changed and our requirement changes very fast so
EMMC Storage saves our time as we dont need to
change it!! The eMMC flash storage capabilities
help reduce the BOM cost, effort and maintenance
by integrating the error correction logic inside
the eMMC storage device. The storage can be
combined on a single-package chip.
4Flexxon eMMC Flash Series
5eMMC 153ball Storage
JEDEC's eMMC5.1 Standard is completely complied
with by eMMC. It works with the 153-FBGA package
design standard. High performance, exceptional
reliability, and sophisticated power management
are all features of eMMC. Small, low-power
electrical devices can use it.
6eMMC 100ball Storage
JEDEC's eMMC5.1 Standard is completely complied
with by eMMC. The 100-FBGA package design is
supported. High performance, exceptional
reliability, and sophisticated power management
are all features of eMMC. Small, low-power
electrical devices can use it.
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