Title: Know All About The Journey Of Faith Cheltenham (1)
1Know All About The Journey Of Faith Cheltenham
Faith Cheltenham Faith Cheltenham began working
on the Gore 2000 campaign as an intern for the
Human Rights Campaign. In 2002 , she co- founded
UCLA' s Blaque, a group for LGBT/ SGL students
of African origin. She made an appearance in the
Emmy- winning reality television program "Black.
White," which was created by Ice Cube, in 2006.
- Faith Cheltenham, president of BiNet USA,
supports the coordination of bisexual advocacy,
outreach, and networking initiatives for the
country's pansexual, fluid, and bisexual
communities. Faith has given lectures at a
variety of locations, including Yale University,
UCLA, and the Creating Change Conference of the
National Gay Lesbian Task Force. Since 1999,
she has been actively involved in LGBT activism.
In 2012, she was chosen to join the LGBT Task
Force at the University of California and was
named one of the "Forty Under 40" by Advocate
4Faith and Pride
President leader in
Obama has been a dedicated advancing LGBT rights
, doing
everything from abolishing Don't Ask, Don't
Tell to signing landmark legislation to
prevent hate crimes. The President publicly
stated his support for marriage
earlier this month on ABC
equality News,
highlighting his conviction that everyone,
regardless of sexual orientation, should be
treated equally under the law. The battle for
equality is still ongoing as well as to
honor those who have made a difference in
the LGBT community. Faith Cheltenham is a
courageous woman who has dedicated her l ife
to ensuring that the LGBT community
accepts and values all of its members.
Decades of diverce experience
6Thank you