Title: Testing complexity in building serverless apps (1)
2Organizations with certain application
requirements can benefit greatly from serverless
technologies with devops automation tools in
order to reduce their infrastructure management
complexity. An application can be created by
throwing code at the cloud. Although serverless
apps have benefits, they also have consequences.
3Having no infrastructure to manage is both a good
and a bad thing about going server less. There
won't be a machine from which admins can
retrieve logs if there is no native
infrastructure. Thus, a sysadmin cannot provide
you with the logs when you discover an
application problem. None exist.
4Serverless testing has many hidden challenges
and these include the technologys newness,
renounced control, multi-tenancy resource
limits, testing challenges, startup time, and
vendor lock- in among others.
5Coverage is an important metric that helps
testers determine the completeness of the
testing effort. In order for coverage to work
and be accurate, you need to execute the coverage
instrumentation framework inside SAM. In the
early days of serverless, you needed a serious
amount of duct tape to get everything to work
together, or you had to make compromises
surrounding your runtime environment.
Due to this, both QA Testing Team and developers
require limited access to the cloud console.
Consoles are no longer the exclusive domain of
cloud architects or administrators. Test
serverless applications with a practical
approach, which is best understood by diving
into the details of a theoretical application.
7Businesses including vendors must skillfully
craft their serverless apps for
considering these challenges. This should
facilitate harnessing the immense capabilities
of serverless architecture while minimizing the
inherent challenges of serverless offerings.
8Talk to us to know how to craft robust testing
strategies for your serverless apps.
You can reach us via https//www.thinksys.com/ Or