Title: The Eco Builder - Gennaro Brooks Church
1Gennaro Brooks-Church
The Eco Builder - Gennaro Brooks Church
2If you are environmentally conscious and
thinking about implementing green
building design for your subsequent project,
connect with Gennaro Brooks Church Your search
ends right here for a reputed and skilled
experienced builder, who is equally passionate
about energy-efficient designs.
3Whether it is a residential or business project,
a well-committed builder who depends on modern-
day technological know-how and holds the
capability to come up with custom-made options
for different projects.
4Born in Berkeley California, Gennaro Brooks
presently runs a Biophilic enterprise Eco
Brooklyn Living Walls" that focuses on
green aesthetics to offer more than just
beautiful interiors. Adding more to his list of
talent, the Spanish guy- Gennaro Brooks Church is
a true artist who creates stunning indoor and
outdoor spaces.
5He is a nature lover who holds rich expertise
and experience that facilitates
environmental sustainability and further
improves the aesthetics of spaces.
6The motive behind the green architecture is to
address certain aspects like energy conservation,
and reduction in water consumption along with
the smart usage of renewable energy sources to
power the building premises. More than just
that, Gennaro Brooks has the willingness, vision,
and time to help ensure a good relationship.
7To add more to his achievements, he traveled to
more than 17 countries, from the period 1989
to 2000, to accumulate Roma photographs. He
efficiently made it to 64,000, which is
believed to be the largest collection in the
8There are certain ways to appreciate nature and
surroundings at their best however, one
gratifying and most rewarding way is to
take pictures. In this regard, Gennaro Brooks is
a true nature lover with a passion for
9Stay tuned with us to know more about living
walls and Gennaro Brooks-Church!