Title: Kyanite Bracelet in Diamond | Emerald and Diamond Bracelet
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2Kyanite Bracelet in Diamond
This Kyanite and Diamond bracelet are set in 18K
gold and makes a statement piece that is perfect
for any occasion. The diamonds add just the right
amount of sparkle and the kyanite stones are
eye-catching and unique. Whether youre dressing
up for a special occasion or simply want to add a
pop of color to your wardrobe
3Emerald and Diamond Bracelet
The Emerald Champagne Diamond Bangle from
Bavna is a great option for business wear. The
bangle is made of 18k gold and has an Emerald-cut
diamond center stone. It is simple and elegant,
and it will not draw too much attention to your
4Emerald and Diamond Bracelet
607 S. Hill street 840 Los Angeles, CA
90014 Phone 1 (213) 810 -2339 E-mail sunny_at_bav
na.com Visit https//www.bavna.com/
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