Title: Alejandra Festinger - A Codependency Life Coach
1Alejandra Festinger
A Codependency Life Coach
2Visited Many Countries
Alejandra Festinger loves helping others heal
from childhood trauma, codependency and abuse.
Her work as a life coach has helped many people
recover from the trauma of narcissistic and
codependent relationships and related issues.
Alejandra Festinger enjoys travel and has visited
many countries across South America and Europe.
3A Certified Dive Master
Alejandra Festinger is able to help people
recover from the narcissistic abuse and
codependent relationships. Outside of her
professional calling, Alejandra Festinger's
leisure pursuits include travel, horsebck riding
and Scuba diving. She is also a certified dive
master.In the future, Alejandra Festinger plans
to develop her skills further and continue to
grow and evolve emotionally and spiritually.
4Horseback Riding Lover
When not running her business helping those
recovering from narcissistic abuse and
codependent relationships, Alejandra Festinger
loves to travel and has traveled extensively in
Europe and South America. She also enjoys
horseback riding and is a certified dive master.
Alejandra Festinger is passionate about helping
clients to awaken to their true genuine amazing
selves and live fulfilling lives with healthy
5An Experienced Codependency Life Coach
In her spare time, codependency life coach
Alejandra Festinger enjoys reading, meditation
and music. Alejandra Festinger's travels have
taken her across Europe and South America and she
hopes in the future to be able to travel across
Europe for an extended stay of six months or
more.Alejandra Festinger is an experienced
codependency life coach who also helps people
recover from narcissistic abuse and related
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