Title: Toshiba Service Center
1On a Toshiba Computer, How do I set a Password?
- One of the first things you should do after
purchasing a new Toshiba computer is to
password-protect it. By enabling a password, you
may protect the information on your computer in
the event that it is stolen or lost. Windows is
preinstalled on Toshiba PCs before they are sold.
To secure the computer, Windows enables passwords
to be set up on user accounts. Your Toshiba
computer will be automatically password-protected
if you enable passwords in your Windows user
2Step 1
- After clicking Start, choose Control Panel.
3Step 2
- In the upper right-hand corner of the window,
click User Accounts and Family Safety.
4Step 3
- At the very top of the window, click User
5Step 4
- Enter a password in the Password text field
after clicking Create a Password for Your
Account. To make sure you typed the password
correctly, retype it in the second text box.
6Step 5
- After entering a password clue in the text box
labelled Type a Password Hint, click Create
Password. Now that you have a password, your
Toshiba computer is secured.
7The information below includes the Toshiba
customer service number in the USA, the Toshiba
service center address, the services offered, a
contact person, and opening hours. In the USA,
Toshiba only has one service center where it
provides post-sale support for items
including Printers, Desktop All-in-one PCs,
Laptops, Gaming, Apps Services, Scanners Fax,
Projectors, Monitors and Tablets.
- 1 (800) 408-7959
- _at_
- support_at_repair-service-center.com
- www.repair-service-center.com