Title: Introducing Next-Generation, Chemical-Free Commercial Cleaning And Disinfecting Services
1Commercial Janitorial Company
Atlanta, GA ,USA
2Next-Generation, Chemical-Free Commercial
Cleaning And Disinfecting Services
The Royal Group is pleased to present and offer
you the Technology we employ which is
Chemical-Free and safe for workspaces, producing
Healthy Indoor Air Quality. No toxic chemicals
no harsh odors or burning eyes and no worries
about the safety, health impact, or strength of
your protection program. We clean and disinfect
using the latest science-based technology safe
for your employees and customers, and safe for
virtually all surfaces, plants, and animals. We
deliver services that rely exclusively on
all-purpose, chemical-free cleaning technology
and methods, while providing superior,
cost-effective solutions.
3(No Transcript)
4Our team members have been certified by the
Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC) a division
of ISSA, and have expert knowledge on infection
control, contamination control measures for
infectious disease outbreaks and the proper use
of personal protective equipment (PPE), tools,
and equipment.
5Currently, the US Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) has recommended disinfecting against
COVID-19 with hypochlorous acid (HOCI). The
mechanism of disinfection involves the destroying
of the cell wall of microbes or viruses, allowing
the disinfectant to destroy or inactivate
them. This is the same Technology the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses
daily. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in their Guideline for Disinfection
and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities, 2008
noted the concept of electrolyzing saline to
create antiseptics or a disinfectant is appealing
because the basic ingredients (salt and tap
water) are inexpensive and the end product does
not damage the environment
6Disinfecting Technology
The Royal Group uses On Site Generators to
produce a glass cleaner, all-purpose heavy-duty
cleaner/degreaser, and sanitizer/disinfectants.
The Sanitizer/Disinfectant, once generated, kills
the Coronavirus which causes the disease
COVID-19, Norovirus, Listeria Pseudomonas,
Tuberculosis, Salmonella, Staph, MRSA, C.Diff,
E.coli, HIV and Herpes. At the same time, this
product is safe enough for you to submerge your
finger in the Disinfectant and put it in your
mouth. You can submerge your hand in the
Disinfectant and rub your face with it its just
that SAFE!
7Disinfecting Technology
It is SAFE because the solutions killing POWER
is Hypochlorous Acids (HOCI). HOCI is the same
naturally occurring chemical that is produced by
our bodies neutrophils, or white blood cells, to
fight bacteria and inflammation after an
infection or trauma. HOCI provides a unique
killing power to eradicate dangerous organisms
while not causing harm to our cells. HOCI is one
of the only agents that is both NONTOXIC to the
delicate cells that can heal our wounds while
being LETHAL to almost all known dangerous
bacteria and viruses that threaten our health.
8Disinfecting Technology
The current Coronavirus outbreak has redefined
cleaning. To ensure the safety of our team and
our clients, The Royal Group is committed to
staying up-to-date on safety, infection control
and cleaning protocols recommended by global
experts, including the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health
Organization (WHO), and the Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA). Our processes
include high-performance commercial equipment and
EPA-approved Technology that destroy and remove
viruses such as Coronavirus and the disease
9Contact Information
The Royal Group of Atlanta, Inc. 400
Galleria Parkway Suite 1500, Atlanta, GA 30339
WEBSITE https//theroyalgroup.com/