Title: Catalogue Creation - FiveS Digital
1Catalogue Creation
The company focuses on online sales of products
such as consumer electronics, fashion, home
essentials, groceries, and lifestyle
products. Catalogue Creation Client
Requirements Required accurate and standardized
product attribution that enables optimal
merchandising across the eStore.
Challenges Identiffiing all the disparate sources
of product information, standardizing
across all sources, update along with to
the information
enabling radiating customers
easfi that via
information out
retailer's website,
eCommerce marketplaces, etc.
Solution Gathered all the required and relevant
product information and analfized
discrepancies. Standardized Product Code,
manufacturer, color, dimensions for each product.
Result Accuratelfi done categorization
attribute-wise of 6000 products and maintained
data consistencfi, increased sales, and
generated revenue.
Case Study