Title: The Matter Of Sun Exposure After Hair Transplant
1The Matter Of Sun Exposure After Hair Transplant
Hair transplant in Indore is one of the best
treatments for genetic hair loss. it is a
surgical procedure in which the surgeon removes
healthy hairs from the back and sides and
transplants them into the bald scalp. After the
surgery, transplanted hairs grow gradually in the
treated area. The results after the treatment
depend on the quality of aftercare as well. the
surgeon will provide a set of instructions to
ensure proper results. You have to follow these
instructions at any cost. One instruction among
others says that you must not expose your scalp
to the sun after the surgery. This instruction
is the main topic of this blog! Why should we
avoid the sunshine? Whenever we go outside, we do
not always wear hats or caps. Therefore, it is
quite normal for us to expose our scalp to the
sun. Avoiding the sunshine seems impossible.
2After the surgery, the surgeon advises the
patient to stay away from the sun. the sun is
the center of our lives and staying away from
sunshine is really a difficult task. But we have
to do it because of the safety of the
scalp. According to experts, exposure to the sun
may result in damage to the hair grafts and it
hinders and recovery process as well. Thus, they
prefer that you must avoid sun exposure until
your skin is fully healed. How does the sun
affect your scalp? After the b est hair
transplant in Indore, you must save your scalp
from the sun for a couple of weeks. According to
the experts, incisions are light-sensitive. If
you expose your scalp to the sunshine, UV rays
may cause harmful effects to the
incisions. Doctors also say that chromatophores
are responsible for the pigmentation of the skin
and protect your skin from UV rays. After hair
transplant surgery, the pigment cells die or
become dormant. Therefore, exposure to the sun
will damage your treated scalp. When you expose
your skin to the sunshine, harmful rays may enter
the epidermis to damage the hair grafts. As a
result, you will face altered results after the
surgery. When are you allowed to expose your skin
to the sun? Experts say that you should stay away
from the sun for at least 4 months after the
surgery. If you cannot avoid going outside, wear
a loose hat to cover the transplanted area. As
you see, sunshine not only damages the outermost
layer of your scalp but the inner layers as
well. Therefore, your hair grafts are not safe if
you do not follow this instruction. Visit the
Marmm Klinik to get proper information about hair
transplant cost in Indore and other matters.
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