Title: Mate Mate
1Mate Mate Energy Drink
Mille Mille Is a Singapore Srilnd, founded by
Mr.Vlc1orWltln8ilnd Ms.WilrigZheng.
6 Important Benefits of Mate Mate Energy
Drink lmplles a senseof sharede1ltperlence,mutual
respectanduncondltion al love,frleodshlp,
Mate Mate Popularity t1Aif.11AIE Is made from
leaves of the MatI! tea plant (Verba Mat"),whkhha
vebttlt1e11JoytdlnSouthernAme riCflfOf ctnturies
MATE MATE me1t me11 ). lmpllesa senseol shared
experience. mutual rHpeet and uncoodlUonallove,frl
endshlp,equallty,and bringing communities
Did You Know?
MATE MATE Recentlythebrandstartedltsworldwlde
nslon planwlth thegoal tobecome151oballeaderlnthe
We unite the core elements ol MATE MATE South
American Vitality Hei"ltasewlth Modern City
Urban Olvelt'SltyVersatlllty lntoacrlsp,sp.J
rkllng refreshment drink, made from tke gr n
mat" leaf andlowsugarcootent.
IILesssogltW" lessccalories than
a Vegan frec of lactose.
most soft drinks.
Authentktnle nd nWrlsourceof aiffelne. MATE
MATE posit ions tu.elf .srefreshl111 llern
tlve 1ocoffee perfec1fornyon.ewhol s
looklngtomkethemost of thelrwkeluld1ys
Aneplckick,crdgtlre-e energynperience. Wi th
cffeinecontentcomprable tothtof coffee,
MATEMATE provid es lonilUin1 ,
sustlned,ener(Yexperlence , whkh Improves men
tl locus, unllkelromcoffeeorother energy drink
s. ------
Mitralvlw Setwttnlhelellalrlum
Nopreservtlves .
MATE MATE Natural Energy Drink, 250ml MATE MATE.
pronounced ( meit me1t ). Nalur1I EMrgy Drink.
carbonated caffelnated tea derived from Illlt!
leaves of the Verba mate11u Paraguar len'lis)
plan!. ll'san 1ge-old tradition, enjoyed
by1ene...ations acrou South America. 1ndwe've
developed oor vi5lon ol lhe modern mate riht
here I crisp. sparkling tea made f or your
enjoyment. packing 751Tl(1 of Cllffelne In 250ml
c.ns f or an eneltgyboltI when you n II.
1- .. 1 1-----.---.--_------ ..--.------------- 1 1---------------------------------------1
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Mate Mate With Playground
Greatly reduce your risk of arrhythmia - adopt
and maintain a healthy lifestyle
2 lsr
I !
All the 1mers, emcees, ind csters ire powered
byMATEMATEenergydrlnk s!
Regularuerclse and1etlvltv
Weigh t management
No smoking or
Enjoy MATE MATE Anytime, Anywhere
Now 1sthe tune toral!gtf!awareness around heart
Ith and w..llneS.
Mate Mate Pte. Ltd
Sources hnps//matemate.com/po-oduct/m
atematefull-oise-cartonl https-J/matemate.com/