Title: Rat Trapping and Removal Service – Envocare Pest Control Solutions
1Rat Trapping and Removal Service Envocare Pest
Control Solutions
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2About Envocare Pest Control Solutions
- Envocare is the first environmentally-conscious
pest control service company in India. Our
services cover eradication of rodents,
cockroaches, flying insects and termites among
others. Wherever they may be, in your home or at
your workplace. Our packages are flexible,
depending on the size of your requirement.
3Envocares Rodent Control Services.
- Spotting a rat or a mouse in your home can be
very distressing. Especially since mice are known
to spread diseases as they search for food and
shelter. This makes them a danger especially in
kitchens or wherever children are playing. - They also have a natural and constant gnawing
habit. This can cause great damage to you
property, furnishings and fittings.
4Signs Of Rats Infestation In Your House
- Rat Droppings Tend to be found concentrated in
specific locations as rats produce up to 40
droppings per night. Brown rat droppings are dark
brown in a tapered, spindle shape resembling a
large grain of rice. - Scratching Noises Rats are particular are deft
climbers. They can easily gain access into loft
spaces and upper floors of buildings, so
scratching noises at night may suggest their
5Signs Of Rats Infestation In Your House
- Footprints Rats leave foot and tail marks in
dusty, less-used areas of buildings. Shining a
strong flashlight at a low angle should reveal
tracks clearly. - Rub Marks Rats use established routes along
skirting boards and walls due to their poor
eyesight. - Burrows Rats are well known for digging
extensive burrow systems for shelter, food
storage and nesting.
6Different Rodent Treatment Methods
Baiting - Baiting with anti coagulated
rodenticides- Granules, Bromodile.
Rodent Glue Boards - Using Rat gel sticky pads
will help in getting rid of the rats and
ultimately keep you safe from the diseases they
7Different Rodent Treatment Methods
Using Rat Cakes - There are also herbal Rat cakes
available which when places and eaten by Rats
they die and decompose without any smell in 5 to
6 days.
Rat Cages - These are Rectangle steel cages which
has spring doors, it automatically closes when
Rats enter in.
8Different Rodent Treatment Methods
Bit Stations - Protect bait from moisture and
dust and it allows the rodent to feel more secure
Electronic Bit Stations - It delivers high
voltage shock of 8000V when the Rat enters inside
it and dies on the spot.
9Contact Us
Address Head
Office Gordhan Building, 2nd Floor,
Dr.Parekh Street, Prarthna Samaj, Mumbai
400004 Call 91-7506045861 Email