Introduction to Selenium Testing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Selenium Testing


As Selenium Testing is used in the domain of software testing and quality assurance, one must be aware of software testing discipline itself. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Selenium Testing

What is Selenium Testing?
  • Software testing is a very important part of
    software development life cycle. It is a phase
    where the bugs from the software are found. Then
    these bugs are fixed and this process enhances
    the quality of the software. A decade ago, the
    manual testing process was dominant and was used
    primarily for finding defects. However, the
    manual process is error-prone and time consuming.
    Hence, the testing process was automated and
    automation testing discipline was born. Selenium
    Testing is a very popular tool which every
    software tester needs to know.

  • Automation in Testing
  • When a defect is found in a software, the
    developer makes changes in the source code to fix
    it. Sometimes this can result in creeping defects
    in other parts of the software which were working
    perfectly before the bug was fixed. To make sure
    that this doesnt happen, other related
    parts/modules must be tested again after fixing
    bugs. In this fashion, parts of software get
    tested over and over again. This is called
    regression testing. This is a time-consuming,
    error-prone and boring process when done
    manually. Hence, regression test cases are always
    automated so that they can be run any number of
    times based on the requirements. This improves
    productivity too.

  • There were many test automation platforms. Quick
    Test Professional(QTP), Selenium Web Driver are
    some of the names. These softwares allow the
    software tester to run the application and record
    the test cases. Because the test cases are
    recorded as a script they can be modified easily
    later on. One can perform data-driven testing
    with a lot many input records/data.

  • Popularity of Selenium Testing
  • Selenium is a popular software testing tool in
    the automation space. Since the beginning,
    Selenium has attracted a lot of fans due to its
    open source nature. Being open source, Selenium
    does not have any license cost per say. If any
    software testing team wants to try their hand at
    it, it is easily possible. First the team can use
    the open source software and build their own
    custom automation test framework. If this works
    well they can continue or shift to more costly
    commercial tools available.

  • Selenium web driver is a more focused tool for
    web application testing. The scripts generated
    are in Java language. Java being a popular
    application development language, the adoption of
    selenium testing tools was easy. Though started
    with Java, Selenium 4 supports many other
    languages like Java Script, Python, Ruby, Kotlin,
    C etc.  

  • What does one need to learn before Selenium
  • One cannot just start learning Selenium because
    there are a lot of job opportunities in the
    market. You must have knowledge of a couple of
    things before you can start with it. As Selenium
    testing is used in the domain of software testing
    and quality assurance, one must be aware of the
    software testing discipline itself.

  • Software Testing as a discipline consists of
    various testing techniques like black box
    testing, white box testing, integration testing,
    system testing. The process involves various
    aspects like test planning, test cases design,
    test execution, defect management and so on. One
    needs to master these concepts first. Along with
    them, knowledge of a programming language like
    Java, SQL to handle databases, knowledge of
    HTML/web apps is essential. On this foundation,
    learning selenium testing is easy.    

  • Texceed offers the best course in software
    testing which is very comprehensive. It covers
    all these aspects starting from Java programming,
    SQL, and software testing techniques(also called
    manual testing) before covering selenium testing
    in depth. Here is the link to see more details.

  • Conclusion
  • As Selenium Testing is used in the domain of
    software testing and quality assurance, one must
    be aware of software testing discipline itself.

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