Title: Dr Melissa Kanes - A Lecturer
1Dr Melissa
Dr Melissa Kanes discusses various healing
modalities with her patients, in an effort to
introduce ways to empower them by boosting
immunity, improving energy levels and sleep
quality. prevention.
3Working In Family Businesses
Melissa Kanes claims that the demands placed on
those kids, from helping with household chores
and the raising of younger siblings, to working
in family businesses, translating and explaining
new customs to their immigrant parents, causes a
collective exhaustion that has life-long effects.
4Passionate About Exercise
The benefits of exercise, sleep quality,
nutrition and supplementation, and stress
reduction are all topics Dr Melissa Kanes
discusses with her patients daily. We come up
with realistic changes each patient can make,
depending on their work and home schedules and
what theyre willing to compromise.
5Doctor of Chiropractic
- Dr Melissa Kanes uses various myofascial release
techniques when treating her patients, including
ischemic compression, skin rolling, manual
cervical traction, passive and active
stretching, chiropractic, vibrating massage
modalities, electrical muscle stimulation, moist
hot and cold packs, inversion, flexion
distraction and more.
6Dance Fitness
Melissa Kanes enjoys promoting various exercise
programs to keep people healthy and excited about
fitness, depending on their interests. She
herself, appreciates dance fitness, traditional
strength classes, pilates and some yoga like yin
and restorative work.
7Visit To Know More-
02 https//speakerhub.co
m/speaker/dr-melissa- kanes
8THANK YOU !! Dr Melissa Kanes