Title: Kyle Biehl - An Experienced Lab Researcher
1Kyle Biehl
An Experienced Lab Researcher
2Degree In Molecular Biology
Kyle Biehl gained his high school diploma at
Fossil Ridge High School. He then attended the
University of Wyoming's College of Agriculture
and Natural Resources. Kyle Biehl graduated with
a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology
degree. He would like to begin his doctoral
studies soon.
3Working In The Steel Industry
Kyle Biehl is a graduate of the University of
Wyoming. He enjoys working in laboratories and
would like to return in the future. He plans to
study for a doctorate in his major soon. Kyle
Biehl enjoyed working in the steel industry while
he studied.
4Experience In Molecular Biology
Kyle Biehl is an experienced lab worker with
around four years of experience in molecular
biology. He would like to leverage this
experience to gain a place in a doctoral program.
Kyle Biehl hopes this program will address
questions relative to human health by applying
molecular biology.
5Rafting Lover
Kyle Biehl is a molecular biology graduate who
achieved an impressive 3.8 GPA at the University
of Wyoming. He would like to begin doctoral
studies that let him combine molecular and
cellular biology approaches. Kyle Biehl enjoys
spending his free time outdoors and loves
backpacking, fishing, and rafting.
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