Title: Heat Shrink Cable Joints Suppliers
1Welcome Al Yamuna Densons Heat Shrink Cable
Joints Suppliers
To know more visit at https//www.alyamunadensons
2Product Overview Heat Shrink Cable
Joints Al Yamuna Densons is a leading heat
shrink cable joints suppliers in UAE. Heat shrink
cable joints are highly dependable, manufacturing
plant and tested cable joints for 15kv, 25kv and
35 (36) kv class distribution systems.
To know more visit at https//www.alyamunadensons
3Heat Shrink Straight Joints Upto 36 kV (For
3 Core XLPE/EPR Insulating Cable)
4Heat Shrink Transition Joints Upto 36 kV (For
XLPE/EPR Mind Cable)
5Contact Us. Al Yamuna Densons Address P.O. Box
14577, Warehouse 1, Shed 9 Technology Park, Ras
Al Khaimah, UAE Phone 971 7 2233013, 971 50
9100369 Email grace_at_alyamunadensons.ae Website
P.O. Box 14577 Warehouse 1, Shed 9 Technology
Park, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE Phone 97172233013,
971509100369 Email grace_at_alyamunadensons.ae Webs
ite www.alyamunadensons.ae