Title: Attorney for Property Crimes in Spokane- Noteandkidd
1Attorney For Property Crimes in Spokane
At Note Kidd, we realize the stress and anxiety
with being accused of a crime.
2An Introduction
A person can find themselves facing charges for a
property crime for a wide range of reasons.
Penalties for such charges also run a broad
range. Sometimes, the simple matter of intent
changes the entire landscape for a property
crime charge.
Property crimes typically involve destructive
action against a property or possessions rather
than a person. Because the crimes do not
directly endanger the well-being of others, many
people assume that the penalties may be less
severe than other illegal activities.
3Some common types of property crime are-
Shoplifting- When someone steals or conceals
merchandise from a store.
Burglary- entry into a building illegally with
intent to commit a crime, especially theft.
Arson- the criminal act of deliberately setting
fire to property.
Robbery- A person commits robbery when he or she
uses violence or the threat of violence to take
property or money from someone.
Vandalism- action involving deliberate
destruction of or damage to public or private
4Penalties for Property Crimes
If the court finds you guilty of a property
crime, you may face one or more of the following
penalties, depending on the nature and severity
of your offense
Incarceration Exorbitant Fines Probation
Restitution Community Service Restraining Orders
5Reach Us-
(509) 321-4043 901 N. Adams, Spokane, WA
99201 509.328.8811 www.noteandkidd.com