Title: Person Care - Online Virtual Counseling Therapy
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2Your Virtual Village
We created PerSoN Care using the latest research
to improve your counseling outcomes. Research has
shown when you actively participate in your own
health journey you will have better results.
Select from self help tools and health tracking
modules that help you and your counselors to
reach your counseling goals faster. Your
counselor monitors your activities regularly and
helps you to be accountable through the PerSoN
Care Virtual system.
3What do you have in PerSoN Care Virtual system?
- Real-time online counselling
- PerSoN Care Community
- Private Wall
- Therapist dashboard
- Library
401 Health Journal Track and share your moods and see any patterns with the weather.
02 Weight Tracker Track your weight and get a view of your last 30-day trend.
03 Pain and Symptom Tracking For people with chronic illness, track and share your pain levels and symptoms for easy sharing with your physicians.
04 Mood Track and share your moods and see any patterns with the weather.
05 Self-Diagnostic Depression Assessment Take this quick diagnostic questionnaire and determine your degree of depression. It only takes less than a minute.
06 Smoking Cessation tool Select the best way to quit that works best for you. Choose from everything from cold turkey to gradually reducing the amount you smoke each week. Receive daily reminders and motivation messages to keep you on track towards your goal.
5Various mental health clinics offer online
counseling to treat mental health problems.
Psychotherapists talk to their patients,
understand their problems, and help them figure
out the ways to deal with the situation. Not only
this but with virtual counseling they track your
all-day activities and help you become mentally
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