Title: STEM and Gamification - How it Helps Kids
1STEM and Gamification - How it Helps Kids STEM
learning is all about learning through practical
techniques and experiments. While the theory does
play a big role in sealing the foundational
knowledge, the practical experience becomes
crucial in the later stages. For many years now,
experts and educators have been figuring out how
to make STEM education easy and accessible to
all. Many students forgot STEM subjects in high
school because of the lack of proper aids.
Gamification in education, especially in STEM,
has been a good contender for democratizing
learning. STEM and Gamification combined
together can result in a great surge in learning,
especially in a younger audience. Gamification in
education is a technique where non-gaming
subjects or topics are taught by
introducing gaming elements. Presenting STEM
through Gamification elicits better responses
from children and teens alike, as it is
interactive. Why Gamification in
STEM? Gamification has proved to be an extremely
successful technique across the world - not
just in education, but it is also used in
marketing and business to boost workers
motivation and working capacity. When
it comes to learning, gamification has
produced astonishing results. A study shows that
around 67 of students agreed that gamified
learning is more engaging as well as
motivating when compared to traditional
classes. When STEM and Gamification are
put together, it results in a wondrous
combination of exciting learning through
practical aids. Platforms like Wizar Learning
have come to introduce insightful games
and quizzes that follow the
2- concept of gamification in STEM - these
materials help kids in grades K-8 to
understand concepts better because of the AR
technology used in these games. - Gamification in STEM also helps in
- Boosting childrens motivation to learn
and work better because it reinforces
gratification - Cultivating a better mindset toward STEM
- Developing analytical and logical skills
- Improving critical thinking
- Conclusion
- Gamification in STEM is one of the best ways in
which STEM education can further be improved and
delivered to children of all ages. Exploring more
games that are designed with the objective
of game-based learning can help
children to understand concepts better, and it
also sparks excitement in them to engage with new