Title: What is Astrology? | Vedic Astrology (1)
1An Overview Of Astrology
2What is Astrology?
Astrology is a study of the movement and position
of celestial bodies interpreted as having a
bearing on human affairs and the natural world.
Based on a person's birth chart, it can explain
their personality and predict what will happen in
their lives.
3A large number of people are aware of Astrology
and Sun Signs. As well, we are accustomed to
reading daily horoscopes and other predictions
that appear on different websites, magazines, and
newspapers. Yet Astrology is so much more than
you think. Astrology, as its name implies, is the
study of the stars. It is derived from the Latin
word astrologia, which means the study of the
stars. Astrology is actually an ancient subject
and practice that has existed across many
cultures for centuries. Astrology basically deals
with the study of the universe, and how stars and
other planetary objects interact with life on
4Science Behind ASTROLOGY
Astrology has been rejected by the scientific
community as having no explanatory power for
describing the universe. Scientific testing has
found no evidence to support the premises or
purported effects outlined in astrological
traditions. Where astrology has made falsifiable
predictions, it has been falsified
5Why Should We Believe In Astrology?
Astrology is a Guidance tool which directs an
individual towards his/ her destiny. And, An
Astrologer charts the position of the stars in
the sky to gain insight into human personality,
and even draw predictions about the future.
Astrological analysis is a practical, valuable
tool for gaining a deeper understanding of events
in life, as well as making important and
successful decisions regarding activities,
investments, and relationships.
6Important of Astrology
Astrology can reveal one's life purpose, one's
ascension path, and provide tremendous clarity on
all matters of love, family, health, career,
finance, education, experience, and of course,
7 It offers solutions to life's most difficult,
seemingly hopeless challenges as well as
revealing pathways to manifesting abundance and
success at spectacular levels. It empowers
individuals by helping them understand their
inherent strengths and potentials that they may
embrace and develop them with vigour.
8 Vedic Astrology
Astrology can reveal one's life purpose, one's
ascension path, and provide tremendous clarity on
all matters of love, family, health, career,
finance, education, experience, and of course,
spirit. It offers solutions to life's most
difficult, seemingly hopeless challenges as well
as revealing pathways to manifesting abundance
and success at spectacular levels. It empowers
individuals by helping them understand their
inherent strengths and potentials that they may
embrace and develop them with vigour.
9Planets in Astrology
The nine planets in our solar system revolve
around the sun due to the presence of
gravitational force. Hinduism worships all nine
planets and their influence on human life is
10Zodiac sign Meaning
In astrology, a sign of the zodiac refers to one
of 12 specific constellations of the zodiac that
the sun passes through. A person's particular
sign of the zodiac is the one that the sun was in
when they were born. It is a belief in astrology
that a person's personality can be predicted
using their sign of the zodiac.
11Every zodiac sign is different and has
interesting information about the person falling
into each sign. To know more click on it..
12MyPandit knows how difficult and confusing it can
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