Title: LegalRaastaDelhi
2 Benefits of Trademark Registration
3Exploring the Term Trademark
A trademark is defined as any unique symbol,
word, name, device, numerals, or combination of
both that distinguishes your goods or services
from others and can be represented graphically.
In other words, a trademark or trade mark is a
distinguishing sign or indicator of some kind
used by an individual, business organisation, or
other legal entity to uniquely identify the
source of its products and/or services to
consumers, as well as to distinguish its products
or services from those of other entities.
4Types of Trademark
Service marks are trademarks that have been
registered for services. A good trademark should
be easy to say and remember while maintaining its
uniqueness and distinctive character. Word marks,
Device marks, Figurative marks or logos, Service
Marks, Collective Marks, Certification Marks,
Well-known marks, and Unconventional Trademarks
are some other types of trademarks.
5Advantages of Trademark Registration
Logo Protection Any trademark registration
programme can include not only the real name of
the business, but also any logos, graphics, or
designs used by the business in relation to its
products or services. Incredible Rights The
registered trademark owner has sole ownership of
the trademark. Furthermore, the owner has sole
ownership of the Trademark and can prevent others
from using the Trademark in the same class in
which it is registered
6Product or Service Distinction
A trademark allows you to distinguish your
products from those of your competitors. It
distinguishes your product and its identity from
that of existing and anticipated competitors and
serves as an effective commercial tool. The logo
can communicate your company's or any
organization's vision, quality, or distinguishing
Use of the R symbol After trademark
registration, you can use the R symbol, which
indicates that it is a registered trademark and
that no one else may use it without your
permission. It is devoid of all types of usages
and rights.
7Creation of a Precious Asset
A registered trademark is a legal right that can
be bought, sold, assigned, franchised, or
commercially contracted and creates an intangible
asset for an organisation, namely Intellectual
Property. A business enterprise gains an asset by
registering a trademark.
Avoiding claims of infringement/Legislative
Protection No competitor or third party may use
the wordmark or logo that you have registered as
a trademark. However, if someone uses it without
the owner's permission or makes deceptive use of
it, the owner can seek legal protection under the
Act and stop the person from doing so and you are
no longer at risk of infringing on the trademark
rights of others.
8Expose the violators
A trademark registration declaration is the most
convincing proof of ownership. They are not
interested in getting involved in a legal battle
over the ownership of one of the company's most
valuable assets.
Ten years of Trademark Protection at a low cost
Once your trademark is registered, all you have
to do is pay the maintenance and renewal fee,
which is ten years from the date of the trademark
application at a comparatively lower cost of
maintenance. It is cost effective and assists
your company in developing a distinct image
9Attract Human Resources
As a magnate, young minds aspire to work for big
brands. It promotes the organization's positive
image, and thus candidates are easily drawn to
them. This lowers the cost of hiring and other
related activities.
Global Development If a person wishes to
register a trademark in a country/countries other
than India, the trademark registration in India
can serve as a good basis of registration with an
established reputation in that country. As a
result, your company will be able to expand
10Create New Business Opportunities
Once the trademark has been registered and is
safe, it has the flexibility to expand from one
industry to many more. If the owner intends to
sell the company to another corporation in the
future, having a registered trademark will
increase the company's value and by introducing
new products and expanding their
operations. Brand recognition Customers
associate the quality of a product with the brand
name, and an image is formed in the market about
the quality of a specific brand, which aids in
attracting new customers because they can
differentiate the quality of a product by the
logo/brand name.
11Improves customer loyalty and goodwill
A strong and essential brand that is protected by
trademark registration is the most secure legal
foundation on which to build a company's
reputation and goodwill and net worth in the
industry with your products. Strong registered
brands such as Mercedes, Maggi, Amazon, and iPad
quickly enter the collective consciousness of the
global consumer market and become synonymous with
quality, consistency, and dependability.
The marketplace is crowded with so many
competitors in the industry that it is difficult
to distinguish your business from those of
others. In this case, trademark registration in
India impact proves to be an effective commercial
communication tool, capturing customer attention
and helping your business stand out in the global
market. The impact a trademark has can help
companies build goodwill and a reputation with
customers on a personal level, among other
benefits of Trademark Registration in India.
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