Title: Catching Blackfin Tuna-Looney Tunes Charter Fishing
For the ultimate fishing vacation, Looney Tunes
Charter Fishing is the greatest option. We know
how to navigate the seas better than the fish,
thanks to decades of fishing in Key West. Our
private fishing excursions, which began in 2019,
are an essential fishing adventure for the ardent
angler in the Florida Keys.
3Catching Blackfin Tuna
Blackfin tuna is a species of tuna found in the
Atlantic Ocean. It is a small tuna, typically
weighing only 10-25 pounds, and is found in deep
water. Blackfin tuna are a good source of
protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
4when to Catch Blackfin Tuna
Catching blackfin tuna can be a fun and rewarding
experience. The best time to catch these fish is
during the summer months when they are most
active. Daytime is the best time to go fishing
for blackfin tuna, and they can be found near
the surface of the water.
5More about Blackfin Tuna
- Scientific name Thunnus atlanticus
- Higher classification Sphyraenidea
- Max size 39 inches
- Lifespan 5 years
- Rank Species
6Tips to catch blackfin tuna
- When you spot a school of blackfin tuna, try to
position the boat so that the sun is behind you.
This will make the fish easier to see. - Use light tackle 6-10 pound test line when
fishing for blackfin tuna, as they are a smaller
species. - Make sure to use a sharp hook, as blackfin tuna
have very soft flesh. - As with all types of fishing, be patient and keep
trying youre sure to catch a blackfin tuna
It is fun and exciting to catch blackfin tuna,
and with a little practice, youll be able to
land one of these fish every time. They are a
good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids,
so they are definitely worth targeting.
(305) 304-7102