Title: Tarika Technologies - Designing Responsive Websites
1Designing Responsive Websites
The internet has become pervasive. Today, we do
not need a computer to access the internet. We
can do it easily with our mobile phones and
tablets. However, the difference in the
resolution and screen sizes of various devices
has prompted the rise of responsive websites.
3What is responsive design of websites?
How to create responsive designs?
Responsive web design means creating websites
that will work well on all devices regardless of
its screen size so that the users experience is
positive. A responsive web design automatically
adjusts to the different screen sizes.
When designing for devices that have a much lower
screen space as compared to desktops, remember
that simplicity is the key. Tarika Technologies
offers website development solutions that are
unique, customizable and focused to create brand
awareness for your business.
4There are three main steps to follow when
creating a responsive website. They are
Fluid Grid System
Fluid Images
5Fluid Grid System
Absolute sizes do not work for responsive design
systems. Therefore, sizes in pixels as defined in
earlier web development solutions have no basis
today. Everything is relative, which is why you
must use fluid grid system that allows you
flexibility as you build and design your website.
6Fluid Images
Images that are used to design responsive
websites have to be scaled to fit the screens.
Use CSS commands to prevent images from
stretching as the device becomes larger than the
image. This will protect the image from being
degraded and keep the original aspect ratio of
the image.
Instead of designing your website from scratch
you can use existing frameworks for responsive
designs. Certain websites offer frameworks online
and you can even download them at no cost.
Alternatively, you can approach a web solutions
development company to create a responsive
website for you.
Contact Us 1 (301) 560-4727 info_at_tarikagroup.com