Title: Dropofsunshine
13 Easy Vape Tricks For Beginners As you all know
that vapes are less harmful than lighting
cigarettes because vapes dont need to burn up
tobacco instead they vaporize their vaping juice
inside their Vape cartridges. When tobacco
lights up it produces many harmful gases and some
of the gases are used to kill mice like carbon
monoxide and ammonia. On the other hand, vapes
have nothing to do with these gases. So, playing
tricks with vapes instead of a tobacco-related
product is far safer. Right from exhaling the
mushroom cloud to making a waterfall in your room
by playing with vapes and confining the juicy
vapors in water bubbles. There are many tricks
and gimmicks that you can perform with vapes.
This guide is all about beginners and newbies who
want to do tricks by using vapes. Pro vapers
will also find it helpful because we will explain
some of the glamorous tricks steps by step. See
The Dragon You have heard about these mythical
creatures in fiction novels and in movies. But
with vapes, you can create these creatures
again! Isnt it wonderful? We will tell you how
you can create a dragon with the vapors of your
vapes. First of all, use a powerful vaping pod
instead of e-cigarettes or disposable vapes. Why
we are saying this is because we need a lot of
smoke to perform this dragon trick. Then, set
your vape on its highest performing level. Then
inhale it from your mouth to the direct lungs.
The next step is to hold your breath for a few
seconds. Now it's time to release and exhale the
smoke of your vaping juice and the real game
starts from here. Close your lips and exhale the
thrust of your vape smoke from the nostrils and
from the two right and left corners of your
mouth. Remember one thing close your lips while
performing this trick. For a cross-check you can
place yourself in front of a mirror and can see a
dragon by yourself. Tornado Trick It is a
simple trick but it is very catchy and
attractive. People love to do this trick and
practice it on a daily basis in order to master
it as quickly as possible. So, what happens in
this trick? You need a dense vaping cloud and
for this we again recommend you to use a powerful
vaping pod instead of a disposable vape. Then,
inhale the vapors as much as possible. Now hold
the vapors for some seconds and exhale in a
specific position of your mouth. Your mouth is
180 degrees from the table on which you want to
see a tornado. When you exhale almost all the
smoke then it's time to use your one hand in
order to manipulate the smoky cloud. Place your
hand at the center of the cloud and start
chopping the cloud in a reverse manner. And,
thats how a tornado can blow into your rooms
table. Smoke Mask Trick It is the simplest
trick for newbies. In this, you just have to
inhale and then exhale the vapors. And, when you
exhale the vapors then make sure that you are in
a sturdy location and not in a car. Join your
both hands palms and place them on your mouth
while exhaling the vapors. Your audience will
feel that you have placed a ghost smoky mask on
your face.