Title: Fresh Food For Your Dog | Tukka Mate
1Tukka Mate
Tukkamate makes healthy human-grade dog food that
was carefully developed with our holistic
Veterinarian. It's so nutritious and addresses
all the issues that dogs are having. We are based
in Los Angeles, California, and our mission is to
help dogs all throughout the city.
2Human Grade Pet Food
Many pet owners want to feed their pets the same
kinds of foods that they feed their human
families. Feed your Dog with human-grade pet food
could use 100 human-grade ingredients or they
could use 100 feed-grade ingredients or they
could use a combination of both. Call us at
323-613-9707 to know about our services.
3Healthy Dog Food
Have you considered fresh and Healthy Dog Food?
Your pet, such as your body, needs proper
nutrition for good health. According to a recent
study, some dog food companies are blending
chemicals that are forbidden for human
consumption. Call us at 323-613-9707 to know
about our services.
4Fresh Food For Your Dog
These days there are several options available in
the market whether it is kibble, raw,
freeze-dried, grain-free, or other, the choices
can be overwhelming. When you think about these
options, another word that comes to mind is
appetising. On the other hand, there is another
term Fresh Food For Your Dog. It clicks your
mind because they are natural and pre-cooked
meals shipped directly to your place. Well,
that's why we are here today this post will help
you buy the healthiest food.
8721 Santa Monia Blvd, Suite 530 Los Angeles, CA