Title: Jovon Bouknight - A Football Coach
1Jovon Bouknight
A Football Coach
2 Bachelor's Degree In Kinesiology
Football coach and father of two, Jovon
Bouknight, holds a Bachelor's Degree in
Kinesiology and Health Promotion from the
University of Wyoming. He enjoys a game of chess
and is an avid music and movie fan who loves
spending time with his children. Jovon Bouknight
enjoys working out and staying fit.
3A College Football Coach
Jovon Bouknight has been a college football coach
for more than 11 years. He cares deeply for his
players and really loves his job as it gives him
the opportunity to positively impact young
people's lives. When he is not working, Jovon
Bouknight likes spending time with his family.
4Coaching Career At Utah State University
Collegiate football coach Jovon Bouknight spent
the largest part of his coaching career at Utah
State University, where he focused primarily on
the wide receivers. He has also coached at
Wyoming, Texas Tech, Oregon, and Kentucky. Today
Jovon Bouknight is the wide receiver coach and
passing game coordinator at Marshall University.
5A Devoted Father
Wide receiver coach and passing game coordinator
Jovon Bouknight has always loved sports,
especially football. He earned a Bachelor's
Degree in Kinesiology and Heath Promotion from
the University of Wyoming, where he also starred
on the football team. Jovon Bouknight is a father
of two and loves spending time with his children.
6An Avid Music Fan
Football coach and father of two, Jovon
Bouknight, holds a Bachelor's Degree in
Kinesiology and Health Promotion from the
University of Wyoming. He enjoys a game of chess
and is an avid music and movie fan who loves
spending time with his children. Jovon Bouknight
enjoys working out and staying fit.
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