Why Should You Use Metal Recycling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Why Should You Use Metal Recycling


In addition to increasing your company’s level of sustainability, recycling metal provides other perks as well, from creating jobs to offering a convenient way to safely dispose of unwanted materials. The recycling process is often easy since a hazardous waste disposal company will transport the metal materials to a recycling facility. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

Number of Views:25
Updated: 22 April 2022
Slides: 10
Provided by: BigCountryRecycling
Category: Other


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Why Should You Use Metal Recycling

Why should you use metal recycling

Big Country Recycling
Table of content
  • Introduction
  • Recycling Brass Helps The Environment
  • Recycling Metal Provides Economic Benefits
  • Recycling Metal Is Convenient
  • Almost Any Metal Is Recyclable
  • Conclusion
  • Contact us

  • If your manufacturing process involves the use of
    metal, you may be surprised to know that
    recycling offers many benefits.
  • Although we usually think of recycling as paper,
    plastics, bottles, and cans, metal can be
    recycled as well. A single piece of metal can be
    recycled over and over without altering its

In addition to increasing your companys level of
sustainability, recycling metal provides other
perks as well, from creating jobs to offering a
convenient way to safely dispose of unwanted
materials. The recycling process is often easy
since a hazardous waste disposal company will
transport the metal materials to a recycling
facility. If metals are not yet included in
your recycling initiatives, here are four reasons
you should be using Brass recycling services or
metal recycling services at your facility.
Recycling Brass Helps The Environment
  • Recycling any type of material has environmental
    benefits. Recycling reduces pollution, preserves
    resources, and keeps waste out of landfills. But,
    recycling metal and brass have additional
    environmental benefits.
  • Recycling metal helps reduce the amount of ore
    that is mined each year. In 2017, the United
    States produced approximately 46 million metric
    tons of iron ore. Yet the U.S. is far below other
    countries like China, Australia, and Brazil,
    which are among the worlds largest producers of
    iron ore. China alone produced 1.5 billion metric
    tons in 2014.

Reducing the amount of ore that is mined by
instead recycling metal can help mitigate some of
these environmental concerns and conserve natural
resources. The National Institutes of Health
reports that using scrap steel instead of virgin
ore to make new steel uses 40 less water and
creates 97 percent less mining waste. Metal
recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissions as
well. According to the Institute of Scrap
Recycling Industries, recycling metal may reduce
emissions by as much as 300 million tons.
  • The process of metal extraction and processing
    comes with many drawbacks, however. Concerns
  • 1. Physical disturbances to an area where
    mining occurs
  • 2. Soil and water contamination
  • 3. Air contamination
  • 4. Public safety issues from abandoned mines
  • 5. Habitat destruction from mining new ore

Recycling Metal Provides Economic Benefits
  • Aluminum and steel are among the most common
    metals that are recycled, although other types
    include silver, copper, brass, and gold. As is
    the case with any material that is recycled, if
    you use less of it (and instead reuse it), the
    prices of that material come down. That means
    more money in your pocket over time.
  • This is important because many industries use
    precious metals. Materials like platinum and
    palladium are used as catalysts in various
    sectors, including automotive and chemical. And,
    because these metals are so useful, their expense
    can be great.

Reusing metals by giving them a second life not
only saves money but grows other areas of the
economy as well. Studies show recycling even
creates jobs. The National Institutes of Health
says if you take 10,000 tons of waste 1.
Incinerating it creates 1 job. 2. Putting the
waste in a landfill creates 6 jobs. 3. Recycling
that same waste creates 36 jobs.
Recycling Metal Is Convenient
  • Recycling metal does not have to be a difficult
    process to incorporate into your facilitys
    recycling operations. It can be easy and
  • Some hazardous and non-hazardous industrial waste
    disposal companies will offer commercial pickup
    services for companies. Containers left at a job
    site or a facility easily collect the recyclables
    and range in size. The disposal company then
    returns to collect the items.

Some recycling companies offer drop-off services
as well. This is convenient for small businesses
who produce some metal for recycling, but do not
produce the high quantities that other commercial
operations might produce. Our article, How To
Choose A Hazardous Waste Disposal Transporter,
offers advice on what to look for when selecting
a disposal company to transport your metal waste
to a recycling facility.
Almost Any Metal Is Recyclable
Nearly every type of metal can be recycled over
and over again. Metals are classified in one of
two ways ferrous or non-ferrous. Examples of
ferrous metals are carbon steel, wrought iron,
and cast iron. These types of metals have a
combination of iron and carbon. Common
non-ferrous metals include aluminum, zinc, tin,
copper, and lead. All precious metals are
non-ferrous as well, such as gold, palladium,
platinum, and silver.
Once scrap metal is picked up by a waste
transporter or dropped off at a recycling
facility, the metals are separated by type. They
are then shredded to help reduce the amount of
energy expended during the melting
process. After the metal is melted in a
furnace, purification (often using electrolysis)
ensures the final product does not contain any
contaminants. In manufacturing, electrolysis is a
type of technique that applies a direct
electrical current to cause a chemical reaction
After the metal cools and solidifies, it is used
as a raw material to produce new products. So if
you want to recycle your metal in San Angelo,
Texas. Then Big Country Recycling Services is the
best Brass Recycling Services or other metal as
well. For more details about Big Country
Recycling services google Brass Recycling
Services or Call 325-949-5865.
  • Big Country Recycling
  • Call
  • 5117 Armstrong Street, San Angelo,
    TX 76903
  • bigcountryrecycling_at_gm
  • https//metalrecyclingsanangelotx.com/recyclin
  • https//twitter.com/BigCou
  • https//www.facebook.com/bigcountryrecycl
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