businesslogic22 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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We are a Public Relations Company We help: FIND journalists ATTRACT press coverage EVERYTHING you need to start your campaign Website: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Updated: 8 April 2022
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Provided by: businesslogic22


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: businesslogic22

By Pressfarm PR Software
Cryptocurrency marketing is crucial for
businesses in this industry to grow and prosper.
A marketing strategy is indeed essential no
matter what industry you find yourself in.
Building a coherent and effective marketing
strategy is even more crucial when it comes to
ICOs and cryptocurrency projects.
But why is it more critical for this type of
The cryptocurrency market has expanded
dramatically over the past two years. There are
now thousands of crypto businesses popping up
wherever you look. If you have a crypto startup,
you need to gain traction amidst so many
competitors. Building a digital marketing
strategy is an excellent place to start if you
want to boost your brand. Many people make the
mistake of assuming that ICOs and cryptocurrency
are the same things. If you want to market your
brand the right way, you need to start by
understanding your marketing goal. Are you
marketing your ICO?
Here are 10 marketing strategies for ICOs and
cryptocurrency thatactually work
Create a website if you want an idea of what a
website should look like for an ICO or
cryptocurrency project check out any website
for any of the top fifty coins on CoinMarketCap.
Keep in mind that this is the very first place
that most serious investors will start their
research. For this reason, without a professional
website, you have nothing. After all, would you
take a technology project seriously if there was
no website?
1) ABC Always Be Collecting Emails When youre
marketing your brand, you should always be
collecting emails. This should happen right from
the beginning of an ICO or cryptocurrency
project. It takes a great deal of time to build
up a subscriber list. Nonetheless, as any
professional marketer will tell you, email is
still the most effective way to reach a target
2 ) Networking on LinkedIn Networking is crucial
in any industry, but for a little-known project
in an emerging market like blockchain, this is
even more important. It would be best if you
established relationships at every opportunity,
and LinkedIn is probably the most effective way
of doing this. In fact, with valuable tools like
Linked Helper, team members in an ICO can
automate the process of reaching out to potential
sponsors and in?uencers on LinkedIn.
3) Social Media
ICOs and cryptocurrency projects need to be on
social media for anyone to know about them.
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great
places to start. However, beyond simply sharing
your projects, its just as important to keep
these channels up to date. In other words, if
visitors ?nd a social media page without any
posts or updates, it sends out all the wrong
signals. Likewise, projects need to ensure that
every question is answered and every comment is
given an adequate response.
4) Press Release
It doesnt matter who does or does not publish
your press release its essential to have one.
There are now many cryptocurrency websites and
agencies that are constantly on the lookout for
new projects to write about every day. Whats
more, these publishers usually have a very
de?ned and speci?c audience that directly
matches the target market for ICO and
cryptocurrency projects. Would you prefer to let
a PR specialist worry about writ ing your press
release so you can dedicate more time to
improving your product? Check out Pressfarms
packages, and let us write a press release that
will help your crypto project shine.
5) PR and Media Outreach
While it is crucial to reach out directly to the
public and target audiences, it is equally
important to reach out to media professionals
because they play an essential role in getting
information to the public. Even though there is
an oversaturation of media platforms, sending
newswor thy content like press releases and
sponsored stories to media publications is an
easy and effective way to reach out to investors
in the cryptocurrency market. You do not always
have to rely solely on stories written by media
professionals to get attention. Usually, PR and
media outreach only needs to be done in the
initial communication process. If done
correctly, awareness will follow naturally.
6) Bounty Campaigns
Bounty campaigns are incentives that are offered
to multiple participants for various activities
associated with an ICO. Generally, they give out
rewards or tokens for people who have completed
specific tasks that help promote a companys
ICO. Participants are spread across different
stages of an ICO, and they range from investors
to ICO promoters and developers. The campaign
incentives can be in the form of cash rewards,
which is still pretty rare, or free/discounted
tokens that can be cashed in the future when
the tokens are listed on an exchange. Since the
ICO process is divided into two stages, bounty
programs/campaigns can incentivize developers to
find bugs or provide feedback on other design
elements. The people who test and find a flaw in
the blockchain are given rewards that are also
known as bug bounties.
7) Airdrops
Airdrops are still very common and effective in
the cryptocurrency industry. If youre new in the
market, then sending free coins or tokens to
peo ples wallet addresses can help you promote
your new currency. Ultimately, airdrops are
hugely popular with investors and a great way to
get people interested in the project. Needless
to say, the more free tokens you provide, the
higher the chance that your community will grow.
The main purpose of any cryptocurrency marketing
strategy is to retain existing audiences and keep
them engaged while also drawing in new investors.
It can be quite challenging to monitor and keep
track of every development in the crypto space
since it is constantly expanding. Usually, to
stay ahead of the competition, investors
generally use calendars to track a companys
project operations. You need to do the same.
8) Publish Major Events on Calendars
9) Podcasts
  • Podcasts are increasingly popular for a good
    reason. For a cryptocurrency project, this is an
    opportunity to broadcast to a wider audience and
    educate listeners about the projects features.
  • Having said this, audio content is even more
    effective now than before, making this one of
    the more impactful strategies of creating
    awareness about the project.
  • 10) Interviews
  • If you perform a simple search on Google or
    YouTube, you should see that many influencers
    have a substantial number of followers. With
    this in mind, instead of trying to garner a fan
    base for your new channel, it can be far more
    worthwhile to capture the minds of an audience on
  • exist ing channel.

11) Email Marketing
Email marketing offers lots of opportunities
because it helps companies reach and connect
with their target audience personally and
increase sales more cost-effectively.
Newsletters, whether created by PR professionals
or by your company itself, have been a proven
way to keep investors informed about a project
and give them the ability to promote airdrops
and other updates and events. Consumers can
check their inboxes on any device when it is
convenient for them. This is because more users
are now using their mobile devices to access not
only emails but also other types of media and
12) Influencer marketing
Given the increased interest in the digital
currency world, in?uencer marketing has become a
large part of companies and marketers
marketing budgets. It has become signi?cant in
almost any industry because it gives people more
outreach through this group of millions of loyal
followers. Of course, choosing the right
in?uencer is important. Nevertheless, ICO
marketing experts have been using in?uencer
marketing strategies for quite some time. This
has provided a mutu ally bene?cial relationship
for both the company and the in?uencer. In order
to successfully do in?uencer marketing, you need
to reach out to your target in?uencer. Its also
important to give them a brief of your technology
and follow up by discussing the critical parts of
your review or analysis.
13) Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing follows the same concepts and
ideas as influencer marketing. The only
difference is that affiliate marketing can be
done by anyone who is interested in a brand
rather than just a significant social media
influencer. Instead, it works by spreading
product marketing and creation responsibilities
across different parties like the seller and
product creators, the affiliate or advertiser,
and the consumer. Affiliates earn a commission
fee for marketing your cryptocurrency project.
The process is simple enough. Consumers and
affiliates search for a project they have faith
in, promote the project, and earn a piece of
profit from every sale they make. It is yet
another way for companies to leverage third
parties to run marketing for them in a more
cost-effective manner.
14) SEO
Its impossible to talk about a companys digital
marketing efforts without talking about SEO.
When it comes to cryptocurrency market ing, the
Internet, social media, and mobile technologies
have changed the game and given crypto companies
a new set of capa bilities. The digital world
has made it so that public relations and SEO go
hand-in-hand. This is especially the case when
creating an effective PR strategy to get the
word out there about a company and its products
and services. Additionally, without optimizing
SEO, companies will never rank high enough on
search engines to get noticed. There is a range
of factors that have an impact on a companys SEO
rankings. These include business reviews and
star rankings, social media mentions and shares,
and keywords in business listings. You need to
prioritize quality over quantity when using these
Given the sudden popularity of crypto projects,
its important to brand your project in a
memorable way if you want it to stand out. One
good way to do this is by ensuring that your
brand name highlights what makes your project
unique. Another way to do this is by using simple
names that are easy to remember. Bonus points if
you can choose a name that paints a vivid
picture in your target audiences mind. At this
moment in time, the more memorable you can make
your project, the higher your chances of staying
top of mind with potential investors.
15) Branding
16) Telegram
Setting up a Telegram pro?le can help you reach
a wider audience with your crypto project.
Telegram has recently gained popularity in the
crypto space and with good reason. But were
not recommending that you go the Telegram route
just because everyone else is doing it.
Rather, were recommending Telegram because it
offers tangible bene?ts for a crypto brand. For
starters, unlike other social media networks,
Telegram allows crypto advertisements.
Additionally, the platforms end-to-end
encryption offers traders a higher level of
privacy. The app also generates popularity for
your crypto project by populating your groups
with bots. These bots create the illusion of a
popular project, thus attracting real people to
your groups.
Do you need help building a PR strategy for your
cryptocurrency brand or your ICO?
The team of PR experts at Pressfarm has
experience working with brands in your industry
to help them stand out from the crowd. The team
of PR specialists, expert writers, and skilled
designers are experienced at writing winning
press releases designing creative media kits,
and writing feature stories that will make a
memorable impression. Pressfarm has got all your
content creation needs to be covered from
content creation to content distribution.
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