Title: 5 Reasons Your Volkswagen Engine Is Shaking When Idle
15 Reasons Your Volkswagen Engine Is Shaking When
2Idling is a driving condition when your car is
not in motion but its engine is running.
3Smooth idling indicates that your car engine is
in good shape and working properly.
4However, if it is shaking inappropriately at
idle, it's a cause of concern.
5Listed below are a few reasons why cars often
shake at idle.
6What can cause a car engine to shake at idle?
7Faulty Fuel Intake
8The prime reason why your Volkswagen may shake at
idle is- defective fuel intake.
9Without a properly working fuel intake, your
engine may not get the right amount of fuel.
10Rough engine idle and vibration occur, in protest.
11Restricted Airflow
12If the air intake system delivers an uneven
amount of air to the engine, it may shudder
13You have to figure out whats restricting airflow
to the engine and fix it on time.
14Failing Ignition System
15Improper spark plug firing can also result in
engine vibration in your car.
16The simple solution to this problem is to replace
the worn-out spark plugs.
17Vacuum Leak
18If the engine gets too much air due to vacuum
leaks, it may idle unevenly and shudder.
19If left unaddressed, vacuum leaks can also result
in an engine misfire.
20Faulty Sensors And Computer
21The ECU regulates the engine operation with the
help of an array of sensors.
22If any of those sensors fail, your car engine
would vibrate in all driving conditions.
23Sum Up
24Engine vibration at idle is not normal for your
Engine vibration at idle is not normal for your
25SMI Automotive Service