Title: Steven Yohay | CEO of ACI Healthcare Group
1Steven Yohay CEO of ACI Healthcare Group
2Principal Shareholder
Steven Yohay is the former Principal Shareholder
CEO for ACI Healthcare Group. He was born in
1950 in New York, and he has invested in
theateron and off Broadwaycontributing to such
hits as The Producers and Little Shop of Horrors.
Steven Yohay is an avid philanthropist and has
given to such organizations as Bnai Zion,
Hadassah, and AIPAC. He founded Nine Eleven Case
Management, Inc. to assist victims of the 9/11
World Trade Center and their families.
4Nine Eleven Case Management
Steven Yohay founded Nine Eleven Case Management,
Inc.an entity that would manage the mental
health and substance abuse benefits for victims
of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks and their
5Supporting Musical Theater
Steven Yohay (aka Steven J. Yohay) invests his
spare time and resources in supporting musical
theater. He has contributed financially to the
production of several shows, including Sweeney
Todd and Hairspray.
6Scholarly Journals and Articles
Steven Yohay is an alcoholism and substance abuse
counselor who has contributed scholarly journals
and articles on Substance-Abuse Theory. 10. Mr.
Yohay is the proud father of two daughters and
enjoys investing in theater productions.
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