Title: Winston Shay
1Winston Shay CEO and co-founder at Impactio,
2About Winston Shay, a semiconductor scientist,
electrical and computer engineer, and
multifaceted entrepreneur, is the chairman of
HIPR Group, CEO/co-founder of Impactio,
Talentopia and currently dedicated to the
development of legal technology
application. Winston Shay is the inventor of
over 20 innovative U.S. patents, and has
published over 50 peer-reviewed scientific
articles in leading journals and prestigious
conference proceedings in the field of multimedia
computational algorithm, integrated circuits
design, semiconductor fabrication,
electro-optical devices, and nano-scale antenna,
which have been cited 2700 times by leading
researchers and scientists around the world with
an h index of 16.
3Introduction Founded in 2018, Impactio is
Americas leading platform of academic impact
analytics and reputation management designed for
scientists and researchers. Impactio catalyzes
global scientific and technological advancement
by developing various innovative cloud-based
software and services to make scientific
Communication more effective, ultimately
helping scientists and researchers be more
productive and successful. Based in the San
Francisco Bay Area, Impactio is made with love
and passion for technology by alumni from the
EECS Department at the University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Stanford University, and Rice
University. Sign up today!
4- Impactio Team
- Winston Shay Impactio is America's leading
platform of academic impact analytics and
reputation management designed for scientists and
researchers. Impactio catalyzes global scientific
and technological advancement by developing
various innovative cloud-based software and
services to make scientific communication more
effective, ultimately helping scientists and
researchers be more productive and successful.
5Thank You