Title: Shushruti College of Nursing Bangalore
1Shushruti College of Nursing
Shushruti Group of Institutions has carved a
niche in the field of education since 1983, more
so, in the field of Nursing, Education, and
Management. The Institution has a history of 25
years to feel proud of. Many students have walked
out of the portals of this institution gifted
with rich knowledge imparted. Shushruti College
of Nursing is a reputed educational Institution
which gained the trust of not only people of
garden city Bangalore but all over the country.
The academy has a rich experience of more than 17
years in its expertise. The Institution is
situated in Bengaluru, on the permission accorded
by the Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi and
Karnataka State Nursing Council and the college
is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of
Health and Sciences, Karnataka.
3Why Choose
- Shushruti College of Nursing is a close-knit
community within Rajiv Gandhi University of
Health Sciences. The institution has an exclusive
association with Columbia Asia Hospitals for
clinical training and placements, and is
affiliated to top hospitals in Bangalore. A
library having nearly 3000 volumes on various
subjects of the syllabus and other general
interests is a major component. The institution
provides residential hostels to the boy and girl
students separately. - With world-class faculty, ground breaking
research opportunities, and a commitment to a
diverse environment of bright, talented students,
Shushruti is a place where students come to get
transformed to bright future professionals.
4Career Opportunities
- Children's nurse.
- Health play specialist.
- Health visitor.
- Learning disability nurse.
- High intensity therapist.
- Mental health nurse.
5Courses Offered
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Nursing
- Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (DGNM)
6Thank You
Source Shushruti College of Nursing