Title: 6 Exercises You Should Be Doing
16 Exercises You Should Be Doing
2Lu Raises
Power lifting and strength sports often get lost
in a range of defined movements, that make you
very strong in very specific planes, but rip for
injury in almost every other plan. Like many
power lifters, at times I was proud that my hands
wouldn't go over my head, and that my three time
weekly benching had made me so tight I couldn't
swim (I was never very bright).
3Walking Lunges
There is literally no exercise I hate more than
walking lunges. Like most people reading this, I
work on a computer most of the day and train
during the evenings (and I sleep in the fetal
position). This means for 24 hours a day, my hip
flexors are not stretch or moved. Hip flexor
stretching never seemed to work, but walking
lunges seem to open up. Its one of those 'I'll
feel better later' but it just feels awkward.
4Pushups (full scap)
Here's Brian after a set of banded pushups. Its
sounds so basic, but pushups (full range - chest
touching the floor to shoulders all the way
forward) are such good bang for your buck.
5SSB Squats
For some bizarre reason, in my head, high bars
were far superior, and SSB was for the lazy. You
then realise that SSB is far less technically
taxing, and you can actually work on building
6Side Plank
Nobody is saying you have to do a zillion sets of
abs, but doing side planks to the extent you are
even stevens is a good idea. Almost everyone
we've got to test this has one side way stronger
than the other, and when they do the weaker side
first to even it out, has less back pain.
Again, this sounds dumb, but being able to walk
for 30 minutes without a lower back pump is a
good idea (ignore this if you have actual
cardio). Audio books will change your life to
get this done. David Goggins audio book was so
good, I once walked 12km (that is a lot for a
power lifter). A walk on the days you don't
train is ideal, its active recovery, and if you
haven't walked for 30-45 recently, you will be
surprised how annoying it is.
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