Title: 5 Life Lessons Learnt From Having a Period
15 Life Lessons Learnt From Having a Period
- The list of reasons to hate periods can seem
never ending. But, do you know all the things
that your menstrual cycle can reveal? We
understand how irritated you are when you are
down with your chums. From the fuss about
choosing the best rash free sanitary napkin to
handling the cramps in the initial days, periods
can be cumbersome. But, there is a bright side
that women often overlook. With proper care and
regime, you can manage your menstrual cycle
better. You should think about knowing more about
menstruation and the best absorbent sanitary pads
to control your uneven flow. Also, choosing the
wrong sanitary napkin will cause many skin
related problems. Hence, BetheViraa provides you
with the best organic cotton pads and
biodegradable sanitary napkins to help you stay
2Every woman has a unique tale regarding their
period. Starting from the first time your periods
occurred to how you tackle the stigma and issues
associated with menstruation, our periods can
teach us a lot. It is crucial to recognize when
your body is attempting to communicate with you,
and your period is a major talker. Here are a few
lessons you may take away from your period.
3- Your excessive cramps could be a sign of
something more. - Period cramps affect about half of all women.
Thus, they are rather common. Excessive cramping,
on the other hand, may indicate a problem and
should be evaluated by a medical practitioner as
soon as possible. Endometriosis can produce
severe cramping. The sickness is treatable, but
you must begin treatment as soon as possible so
if your period is causing you more discomfort
than usual, you should seek medical attention
right away.
42. Pay attention to your period blood colour and
flow A look at your blood can reveal a lot about
your hormone levels, which can be useful in
keeping you healthy. For example, if you have a
"frozen blueberry" colour and texture, you may
have too much oestrogen, whereas if you have a
"strawberry jam" colour and texture, you may have
too little oestrogen, which can cause poor
libido, exhaustion, and even hair loss. The
amount of blood flow is
5- also a major indicator revealing a lot about your
internal state. You may be anaemic if you have a
really heavy menstrual flow. Too much flow and
too little blood, both are a sign of trouble. - Remain alert of the prevalence of Anemia and PCOS
- You may be anaemic if you have a really heavy
flow. If you are bleeding so much that you have
to use a tampon or pad every hour or so, you
could have anaemia, which causes exhaustion and
shortness of breath. Choose the best organic
cotton pads by Betheviraa for controlling your
flow and keeping yourself healthy. - Anemia refers to a deficiency of red blood cells
or haemoglobin in the blood (the main stuff red
blood cells are made of). When this happens, your
body doesn't get enough oxygen, which makes you
lethargic and causes other unpleasant symptoms
including headaches and dizziness. The occurrence
of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) has also
become rampant in the current times. PCOS causes
hormonal imbalance in women, resulting in
problems with their periods and their ability to
conceive. It can also lead to excess facial hair,
obesity, ovarian cysts, infertility troubles, and
other side effects. Fortunately, hormonal birth
6control can aid in the treatment of the illness.
- Possibility of Uterine Cancer
- Irregular bleeding, bleeding after menopause, and
bleeding in between menses are some of the first
indicators of uterine cancer. Pain during sex
might potentially be a sign of something more
serious. Of course, these symptoms could be
signals of other, less dangerous illnesses, but
if you see them, you should consult a doctor.
7- Indication of any eating ailment
- It can disrupt your flow if you aren't eating
properly. Absent menses in the presence of rapid
or significant weight loss, a low BMI, and/or
intensive activity indicate eating disorders such
as anorexia or bulimia. If this is the cause of
your irregular periods, you may already be
suffering from disordered eating. But, if you
haven't accepted it yet, perhaps this will be the
catalyst you need to seek help. - Conclusion
- Periods are a powerful and potent aspect of being
a woman. They are a sign of fertility and the
miracle of the creation of new life. They also
make us aware of our internal health from time to
time. Thus, they teach us many life-changing
lessons. Our team hopes that you regard
menstruation the same way we do- as a natural
bodily function that benefits us. We urge
everyone on behalf of Bethe Viraa to accept their
period cycles in whatever form they take with the
best cotton sanitary pads. We want to offer the
best possible sanitary products to all women. As
a result, our product design process is
extensive, and we
8take care to make your periods a little easier by
giving you the best biodegradable sanitary
napkins. Make your menstruation days more
comforting with BeTheViraa! Buy now!