Title: About VAS Value Added Service
1About VAS Value Added Service
A non-core feature is referred to as a
value-added service (VAS) in the
telecommunications industry. Non-voice functions,
such as video, data, and so on, have generally
been referred to as this. However, as many of
these tasks are now included as standard in
telecommunications services, the phrase
"value-added service" is evolving to take on new
2VAS Value-added service is typically promoted as
premium features and add-ons to core
functionality. Telecommunications firms utilize
them to increase demand for core services,
despite the fact that they can often operate on
their own. They are usually designed to create
operational and/or administrative synergy among
the product's variety of services, rather than
simply diversify the capabilities of the product
3Two Types of VAS
- VAS Aggregators in India use two types of VAS
- Standalone value-added services, and
- Adds value to existing services
Standalone VAS Standalone value-added services do
not require the use of other services in order to
function, yet they do provide synergy and are
designed to operate with core services.
4Adds value to existing services This category of
VAS adds more value to core services. They need
the root service in order to work.
5Benefits of VAS for Telcos
- It gives telecoms an advantage and sets them
apart from their competition by providing greater
value to subscribers. - When carriers deliver more value than their
competitors, churn is reduced and loyalty is
increased. - Allows carriers to "upsell" to existing customers
and improve profits. - Most VAS cause consumers to spend more time on
their devices, resulting in a bigger demand for
data and, as a result, higher earnings.
6- Benefits of VAS for Customers
- It provides members with additional connection
options as well as the opportunity to do more
with their devices. - More convenience because there are greater
services to pick from, packages provide more
value, and some services provide a bespoke and
personalized experience, as well as more
efficient ways to contact with the Telco. - Better options, higher quality, and more touch
points result in a better customer experience.
7Conclusion The telecommunications business is at
the forefront of the fourth industrial
revolution, which will redefine the way people
live, work, and connect with others. VAS is
changing to fit with this drastic change.
8About Us Arshiya is one of the leading VAS
aggregators in India. Our mission is to link the
globe, digitalize it, and commercialize it.
Mobile value-added services, premium apps, and
digital marketing are our specialties. With over
10 million unique visits every month, AIS is one
of India's fastest growing mobile companies.