Title: One-stop solution for AAV
1One-Stop Solution for AAV
2GenScript ProBio is a laeding AAV CDMO provides
services ranging from cell banking processing,
process development, AAV manufacturing, AAV cell
line development of analytical methods as well as
GMP manufacture and stability testing on AAV
vector. GenScript ProBio is also able to write
reports and other documents that support
regulatory filings.
3GenScript ProBio can also be used to create
AAV-specific plasmids to manage your projects,
from plasmids to.
Advantage of one stop antibody drug discovery
4Professional Professional team has an average
of over 10 years of production expertise
5Efficiency Process development for a specific
project Based on platform experience
6Modern technology DdPCR for measuring
titers AUC for Full Ratio measurement
7Guaranteed Delivery Product release
requirements that are strict Document
preparation preparation for regulatory filing