Title: Top CBSE Schools in Karol Bagh
1 Welcome To
Bhai Joga Singh Public School
K a r o l B a g h, N e w D e l h
2 Bhai Joga Singh Public School
- Top CBSE Schools in Karol Bagh
- Bhai Joga Singh Public School is one of the top
10 CBSE Schools in Karol Bagh. We set high
standards for ourselves. We offer the Central
Board of Secondary Education (Nursery to Grade
12) for all classes. We have a great team of
highly qualified and experienced teachers who
teach using the latest techniques and methods of
4Follow us on
Facebook https//www.facebook.com/BhaiJogaSinghP
ublicSchool Instagram https//www.instagram.co
m/bhaijogasinghschool/ Linkedin
ublic-school Twitter https//twitter.com/BhaiJ
5Contact Details Bhai Joga Singh Public
School Phone No 91-9773809169 Email Id
info_at_bjsps.edu.in Address D-4, Faiz Road, Opp.
Hanuman Mandir, Karol Bagh, New
Delhi-110005 Website https//www.bjsps.edu.in/