Title: BIM NYC
1Hirani Group 5162481010
Building Information Modelling (BMI) became
famous through early users over a decade ago.
However, BIM is now used and adopted by millions
of people across the globe. Construction
engineers and architects use BIM to create or
draw 3D models of a furnished and completed
building. However, what's interesting about BIM
is that it's more than a visualization tool. It
allows the users to share data among all the
people involved in construction.
3Best Structural Engineering Firms
Structural engineering is the main framework of
any structure, whether big or small. Structural
engineering provides design support for the
construction of any building. The structural
engineers proffer comprehensive designs of floor
plans, quality of materials, foundation designs.
They also provide layouts for columns and bridge
suspension. They also offer structural analysis
and assessment that help ensure that the
structure's strength is at the highest level
possible with the project.
4Precon survey
Preconstruction surveys help to detect any sign
of interior and exterior damage. It is also used
to find any signs of the structural
establishment. Thanks to the data from a
preconstruction survey, the technical team are
able to determine the strength of the structure
and if it will be susceptible to damage from the
construction activities carried out close by.
5Construction Layout Surveys
Construction layout survey involves taking
measurements to control horizontal dimensions and
position, elevation, and configuration before or
during construction. Suppose you're working on a
project, you will need a good surveyor to
interpret plans and create a layout for the
project that will be suitable for the plans that
the project engineer, designer or architect
intend to build. Construction layout survey is
mostly used for commercial projects and is an
essential part of the building process.
6Special Inspections Nyc
Special inspections are basically tests and
evaluations that are carried out before or during
construction. It involves carefully observing
materials, comparing quality, monitoring erection
of buildings and all other components that are
connected to the building's structural integrity
or strength. Special inspections are concerned
with the core of the structure and its strength.
In NYC projects, these special assessments are
crucial to the building and construction process.
It is a part of NYC building code regulations and
7NYC Land Surveyors
Land surveyors are professionals who carry out
comprehensive inspections or studies of land and
gather data through evaluations and field
measurements, research instruments and
questionnaires. They also carry out data analysis
to support the designing, establishing and
developing property boundaries. Some of the
duties carried out by a land surveyor include,
angling and positioning between points on the
ground, using standard reference points known as
benchmarks. They also record spaces in the
8Contact us
Company Name Hirani Group Phone Number
5162481010 Address 120 West John Street,
Hicksville, NY 11801 Website https//www.hiranig
9Thank You