Title: Aftercare Tips for Hair Extensions (1)
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2Aftercare Tips for Hair Extensions
Have you applied hair extensions in New York
recently? If yes, then you should shift your
focus to aftercare routine. It plays a
significant role in improving the life of your
hair extensions. But you should know how to look
after your hair extensions perfectly. Please
check out this post and know how to keep your
hair extensions in perfect condition throughout
the time youre wearing them.
3Separate your hair extensions bonds. No doubt,
its important aspect of your hair extensions
aftercare routine. You should do it at least once
a day. Use your fingers to separate every bond to
make sure that they are kept separately.
4Wash your hair extensions perfectly Washing your
hair extensions is the important aspect of
aftercare routine. If you use your regular hair
care products, they may cause some problems. You
should make sure that you are using the
recommended aftercare hair extensions products.
They wont impact on the overall quality of your
natural hair and extensions. Try to use warm
water as high temperature can badly affect your
hair extensions and natural hair.
5Brush your hair extensions gently Whether youve
washed your hair or want to brush them dry in the
morning, you should do it gently. Take your time
to brush your hair and remove tangles patiently
without pulling your hair extensions. Its always
suggested to use a hair extension brush to make
sure that you dont get it caught in the bonds
that can be uncomfortable. Dry your hair
extensions before sleeping If your hair is wet,
it can result in tangling and matting. Hence,
its really important that you should never sleep
with wet or damp hair. You may feel tempted to
fall into the bed with dry hair. But it will be
difficult to brush them in the morning as they
put pressure on your hair bonds and cuticles.
While washing your hair, you should ensure that
you have enough time to keep them dry before
getting to the bed.
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7Bottom Line Taking proper care of your hair
extensions is very important. By following above
discussed steps, your extensions will stay in top
condition as possible. If you need professional
help with hair extensions in New York, feel free
to contact Custom Hair By Catherine as soon as
possible. Please schedule an appointment for a
consultation with our expert hair extensions
stylist today at 917-482-6493. https//www.tuugo.
8 https//citysquares.com/b/custom-hair-by-cather
ine-20524820 https//agreatertown.com/new_york_ny
8Address 321 East 9th St CityNew
York StateNew York Zip10003 Phone917-482-6493 C
ountry USA Website URL https//customhairbyca
therine.com/ Email Customhairbycatherine_at_yahoo.
com Mobile Number 917-482-6493