Title: Ganesh TMT Bars
1Welcome To Ganesh Super
Solid Bharosa
2About Us
Ganesh Foundry Casting Limited, a listed
entity, was incorporated as a Private Limited
Company on 26th May 1988 under the Companies Act,
1956. We never compromise on quality and thats
what lies behind our highly marketable products,
and services.
3- Our Mission
- To set up more steel furnaces, casting
re-rolling mills, steel plants, and
manufacturing factories - To carry on the production of the billets,
ingots, pipes, rods, tubes scrapes in all types
and sizes - To carry on the business of all metal compounds
like iron and steel converters, alloy and steel
products, etc
4- Our
Vision - With more than fifteen years of experience in
real estate and manufacturing, our commitment to
our customers is our strength - We are backed by high-quality products,
unmatched workmanship, and constant after-sales
services - We are a client-centric group, driven by
technology and with a clear vision to become a
dominant player in this industry.
5Ganesh TMT Bars
Ganesh Super TMT Steel Bars are best known for
their higher tensile strength than their
competitors. Backed by sturdy growth and years of
experience of Bajoria Family, Ganesh Super TMT
bars, manufactured in Bihar, would be an
irreplaceable choice as the best TMT bars company
for the new-gen construction sectors. The best
feature of our TMT bars is their wide range- FE
415, FE 500 FE 550. With their higher
elasticity and enhanced properties, the products
guarantee an assured grip that can resist even
the biggest calamity like an earthquake.
7Contact us
Office Address Laxmi Narayan Road, Muzaffarpur,
BR 842001 IN Contact Numbers Marketing
9931415869 7979709145Jobs 9304376491Purchase
Dept 9835291476
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