Title: Butter vs. Margarine: Which Is Healthier?
1Butter vs. Margarine Which Is Healthier?
2A massive amount of nutrition misinformation
exists on the internet.Some of it is based on
poor research or incomplete evidence, while other
information may simply be outdated.The
professionals themselves may even tell you things
that seem to directly contradict something you
read the other day.A good example of a subject
no one seems to agree upon are the health effects
of butter and margarine.This article compares
the two, looking at both sides of the debate
3What Are Butter and Margarine?Butter is a
traditional dietary staple made by churning
cream.Its mainly used as a frying fat, spread
or component of sauces, cakes and pastries.
4As a concentrated source of milk fat, its mostly
composed of saturated fat.Because of studies
associating a high intake of saturated fat with
an increased risk of heart disease, public health
authorities started recommending that people
limit their consumption of butter in the
1970s.Margarine is a processed food that is
designed to taste and look similar to butter. It
is often recommended as a heart-healthy
5SUMMARYButter is a dairy product made by
churning cream. Conversely, margarine is a
product designed to imitate butter. While butter
is mainly composed of dairy fat, margarine is
typically produced from vegetable oils.
6Source and ReferencesOriginal
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