Title: Heal with Effective Natural Remedies for Allergies
1Heal with Effective Natural Remedies for
2About-Classical Homeopathy by Francine Kanter
Francine Kanter, CCH, RsHom(NA) Is having 15
years of experience and is certified by Council
for Homeopathic Certification of North America.
She is currently practicing in Ormond Beach,
Florida serving the needs of illness of patients
and their families. Give her expertise in issues
like Allergies, Constipation, Vertigo, Urinary
Tract Infection, and Eczema. For more information
call us at 754 484-7988.
- Allergy occurs due to many causes where persons
body is reacted to some foreign substance. - It includes skin irritation, runny nose,
sneezing, and skin rashes. -
- Types of Allergy Are
- Seasonal Allergies
- Perennial Allergies
- Common Allergens
4- Heal with Effective Natural Remedies for
- histamine
- natrum muriaticum
- kali bich
- sepia
- hepar sulph
- carbo veg
- sulphur
- bryonia
- nun vomica
- allium cepa
PowerPoint Presentation
5Skin related allergy symptoms are itching,
redness, burning, eruptions, rashes,
dryness. Eye related allergy are itching from
the eyes, redness, watery eyes, foreign body
sensation in the eyes. Respiratory tract related
allergies are wheezing, cough, shortness of
breath, congestion, feeling of suffocation.
6Contact Information
Address-212 Chelsea Pl Ave Ormond Beach FL
32174 Email-frkanter_at_aol.com Phone-754
484-7988 Websitehttps//fkanterhomeopath.com/