Title: Three Tips To Eliminate Pauses When You Play Piano
1Three Tips To Eliminate Pauses When You Play
Jack Hanson Burlington Vermont
2Looking forward, rehearsing short portions of a
song, slowing down the speed, and maintaining a
constant rhythm are all crucial to performing
consistently and effectively!
3 Tip 1 - Plan ahead!
This is a large part of what distinguishes good
sight-readers from outstanding ones. Keeping your
eyes on the note you're going to play next,
rather than the note you're playing right now,
requires some effort at first, but it gets easier
with practice- Jack Hanson. Focusing on the note
you're about to play while playing the note or
measure before it increases your chances of
figuring it out in time to play it without
pausing to think about it.
4 Tip 2 - Practice Phrases by Yourself!
When I listen to my students perform their songs,
I notice that the majority of the pauses occur at
the beginning of measures and lines- Jack Hanson.
An excellent technique to correct this is to
practice simply the two measures before and after
the pause. For example, if you're playing a
song and find yourself pausing to consider the
beginning of line 2, try starting with the final
measure of line 1 and simply playing until the
end of the first measure. By repeating this
multiple times, you will become more comfortable
shifting lines and will not need to halt when
playing the entire piece. It is essential to
break down a song into little phrases and
practice them separately, rather than playing the
entire piece from beginning to end every time.
5Tip 3- Slow Down!
Those two words sum it up perfectly. Don't start
a song too quickly, only to have to halt when you
reach a new section or slow down as the song
progresses. When we discover the most difficult
portion of a song and play it perfectly at a slow
pace, we practice the few measures around that
part at that tempo, as well as the entire song at
that tempo, before speeding up. This will allow
you to play a song without hesitating since you
will be familiar with the tempo when you arrive
at the difficult portion, and the music will
sound seamless.
6Thanks For Watching