Title: Hypnotherapy Services by Sangeeta Sharma
1How to tap into inner resources to make change
in your life?
Sangeeta Sharma
2How to tap into inner resources to make change
in your life?
We human beings are full of hidden potentials
and capabilities, still we are not able to bring
the desired change in our life or even sometimes
it becomes difficult to change a small habit.
3Do you want to know why you are not able to
change one habit despite all desire and will
- This is so because our conscious mind is 12 and
88 is unconscious mind. So, you are responding
to each situation of your life with about 12 of
your conscious mind and 88 your unconscious mind
working under the surface, like an iceberg. Your
unconscious mind (88) is actually impacting
your decisions and responses as it is much more
powerful than your conscious mind(12).
4Do you want to know why you are not able to
change one habit despite all desire and will
For example If you want to lose weight. In the
12, you know that it is a good idea to go for a
morning walk or have a healthy diet but you are
still unable to do so because .... Its not
enough for the 12 (your conscious mind) to want
to change. You need 88 of your unconscious to
be coded in the same way. If the code in your
unconscious mind is in favor of having junk food
or getting up late in the morning, it will become
very difficult for you to make the change. 88
will win every time
5The Conscious Mind
The conscious mind i.e 12 of your mind and this
refers to your current awareness. For example,
the current moment you are consciously aware of
information you are reading, or while having a
conversation, or listening to music. It is
actually the active mind that contains all
thoughts, memories, and feelings of what you are
aware of at any given moment along with memory,
which can be retrieved and brought into
awareness. Our conscious mind has the below
important functions Ability to focus Ability to
imagine anything which might not be real Ability
to perceive an event, trigger a need to react or
respond Ability to filter and store important
6The Unconscious Mind
The unconscious mind i.e 88 of your mind. It is
a library of all deep-seated emotions, past
experiences that have programmed our mind since
birth. The unconscious is greatly responsible for
our thought patterns and behavior. The
unconscious mind generally contains all our
memories and emotions from past experiences like
shame, guilt, fear, insecurity including all the
beliefs that are responsible for human
behavior, i.e our reaction or responses to a
situation. Our unconscious mind has the below
important functions Source of dreams and
automatic thoughts Repository of forgotten
memories (can be easily accessible) Stores
knowledge gained or things learned. Past memories
suppressed through trauma and also, memories
that have been simply forgotten and are no longer
important to us.
7Our unconscious mind is very powerful but it has
been conditioned to behave or respond in a
certain way. If you want to make change then
definitely you need to work with this powerful
88 unconscious mind. You need to change the
code or reframe it to bring it in sync with your
life goals or desires. And the GOOD NEWS is that
88 can be reprogrammed. You learned a behavior
you can unlearn it. Or replace it. Or modify it.
And, you can do it much faster and in a more
targeted way using HYPNOTHERAPY.....
Inner child Passive aggressive behaviour
Phobias Addiction Relationship Conflicts
Family/Work Conflicts Sleep Disorders Anxiety
and Depression Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD) Grief and Loss of a Loved One Cessation
of Smoking Pain Control Weight Loss Confidence,
improving concentration Behaviour change like
overeating, insomnia
Hypnotherapy or Guided hypnosis uses relaxation
to achieve heightened state of consciousness that
is also known as "state of trance". It creates
focused attention and increased suggestibility so
that it can be used for treatment of medical or
psychological issues or concerns like....
9If despite all your efforts and strong will power
you are not able to bring the desired changes in
your lifestyle or other aspects of your life
then you can take help of a hypnotherapist to
install suggestions in your unconscious mind to
achieve your desired outcomes. Sangeeta Sharma
is a Certified Life Coach, Speaker and Peak
performance strategist. She is also a
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner,
Hypnotherapist and an Energy Healer. She is
author of the book Four Layers to Your Dream
Life and is well-known for establishing sound
training programs for corporates, educational
institutions, organisations and groups. She is
exceptional in collaborating with corporates and
individuals, analysing their requirements and
designing highly impactful training modules.